Thursday, June 19, 2008

Something for Paddy to whinge about ...


Ben Hodges said...

Actually, Patrick, if you don't mind, before you get started, i would just like to acknowledge Aaron and Ben Brooks for almost amassing more MVP points than fines, brilliant.

005 said...

Here we go again ...

Now Ben - excuse me - I'm fired up for having to miss the second half of today's game for a meeting that was canceled. Everytime you make one of these comments (especially late in the week)enthusiasm is lost for the process after the next game. The fines/points are about good times,taking the piss, building team spirit. We all know that you are the [insert here] the superstar, lifeblood, heart] of the Stallions and that you are [insert here] grossly underappreciated,leagues above anyone else in this team, a champion of all that is free and good]. In the end fines/awards don't change that - they have other purposes.

Now that i have joined Ben B as a target of your moaning, please allow me to comment. What bothers you most - MVP points or fines?

MVP: Last weeks awards were chosen by a spectator - so no conspiracy theory here. You leaving the fine session though saying 'Give me 1 point for my kneed goal' pretty much guarenteed no points and a fine. I could rest my case now.

So i have a bunch of MVP points - a 3, 2 2's and a 1 pointer. These all represent good, solid performances. Not mind you - stallion worthy, game winning ones - which is why i would trade those points for one of your ticks in the Stallions box. Here I clearly don't speak for 2 time stallion ben b. (yeah - my Germany-Portugal margin just got better!). The prestige of the Stallion outweighs the mvp and should not affect your delicate self esteem.

Fines are what i suspect you are moaning about. My fines have dropped considerably over the last 2 weeks - surprisingly as i have played most of the games at right back. Like Corey, Spencer, Mike etc, if you don't do stupid stuff it is quite hard to rack up fines in these positions. i have saved at least $3 a game on missed shots. And i believe we would all happily trade up to more glam fine-worthy positions. My fines this week mainly came from some good inventive fines from an angry man Gus, Ben took $3 for volunteering to miss a game - you are not as hard done by as you think.

Anyway this is a long way of saying f**k off - but there you go. Any more whinging like this and you will be fined!

Paddy said...

Jeepers - and I thought I was an angry man!

005 said...

Yep, you may eat my family, but don't diss the fine system. Or wear a purple keeper's top.

Ben Hodges said...

Aaron, I embrace you angryness and accept it as being good for the team and good for the game.

MVP points, stallions and Pony's are of little importance in the scheme of things and the fines are all good for the end of season. All this i accept.

I think my self esteem never really recovered from not being reselected for the Nelson U10 B representative team. No amount of MVP points/stallions will ever fill this void.

I am repeating myself so apologies, thrust was meant to be that I am just a little worried about the trajectory of this fining gig. Particularly poor Nick G $70, $70!

I almost said that Aaron and Ben Bs fine tallies combined came to less than Nick's but thought my posted comment was perhaps a little more oblique, a bit my enlightening of my mathematical prowess, a little more… rapier. Unfortunately it has had the effect of trawling up a debate I didn’t mean to have about MVPs etc..

An interesting point about the difficulty in incurring fines in certain positions in certain games and this touches on one of my two main motivators, namely an overly sensitive fairness gland which gets inflamed by the fact that a quiet performance by someone spares them fines. No simple way around this I guess.

My other motivator, for those that haven’t guessed, is my deep seated tightness of wallet.

Sorry to have banged on about fines I have got stuck in a rut about this issue.

Aaron I think Nick W said it best that you have been the real star this year with your off field and online activities. The lads have had a bit of a chat and have decided to award you the MVVVVVB, the Most Valuable Vitriolic Venomous Vivacious and Vital Blogger.

I got your email about the blog idea by the way and will get on to it when I am not focused on more pressing issues – getting a screwing job.

Apologies to everyone, for what may well be the first time one stallion has genuinely managed to enrage another stallion.

Fine me, hug me, cry with me, forgive me.

Paddy said...

Maybe a thought for next season, or the second half of this one, could be that fines are capped at a max of $5 per game? Could go over this in exceptional circumstances (i.e. missing 7 shots, forgetting the pony etc).

Just a thought...

005 said...

Hmm, defining 'exceptional circumstances' could be tough ...

Paddy said...

I actually think it would be quite clear i.e. the examples above.

If it's not clear from the event then it's probably not exceptional...