Sunday, July 31, 2011

Heard on the sidelines #719

"Watch your f$!#en mouth you f$@&en cat!" The referee lays down the law.

At least I think he said "cat", I can't remember. It definitely started with a 'c'...


Robino said...

I heard "I'm watching the game, now you watch your fuc*king mouth". The poetry!

Rauru said...

That's probably more accurate, I was just using poetic license.

purely belter said...

I admit I was completely over the top.
But I don't take kindly to personal insults and as you and everyone else heard I can give it back both barrels no problems at all. I'm not sorry, I'll take two angry mans if you want even three .in fact I could've gone another step further (thought about it)such was the red mist enveloping me. none more so when that fat bald headed defender cheap shotted Lloyd. anyway i'll try rain in my anger in future .

005 said...

Hell no don't be sorry. Would have been funny if you sent that guy off - there would have been riots!

Rauru said...

Hard! No need to appologise, let the red mist envelope!

purely belter said...

Envelop not envelope ;)

Robino said...

Don't change, Corey. You're just right the way you are. Those F%$Kin* @#&*@!!!!