Monday, July 25, 2011

Transfer from the old email

Stallions, this is brilliant discussion ('Tristin hanging around the offside line like a trannie down Marion St'!), but keep it on the blog - that way it lasts forever, doesn't just get deleted - and we can laugh at our antics in future seasons ...

Sounds like a cold, wet one, sorry to have missed it (honestly).

Start communication:

Haha, yea that was a huge albatross after the back pass!  True, forgot about Tristin hanging around the offside line like a trannie down Marion St.

I also thought Paul, while not having to make too many saves (although there was one good one in the second half that was goal bound) did bloody well to not spil any pill.  Every time he came out the ball seemed to stick to the gloves which would have been bloody hard in those conditions.
As a virtual spectator - frozen into an ice-cube at times - I would offer these thoughts.  Lloyd as MVP without a doubt.  Particularly in the second half where he bossed the game, managed to break up numerous Brooklyn breaks as well as somehow finding Stallions with passes out of ankle-deep puddles.

Graeme for Stallion isn't a bad shout (coupled with some near-Pony moments) - I was especially fond of his nonchalant header from the penalty spot that flew about 10cm over my bar.  He then claimed he knew it was fine...  I didn't witness you getting nutsed Rob, but if it was in the second half and wasn't in the penalty area I wouldn't have stood a show of seeing it.  Gracious acceptance of the pony though.

Thanks again to Lachie for a champion effort, you certainly kept that seagulling Tristin in check - how many offsides was that?


Mmmmm. Would have got this email earlier if I wasn’t working late into the evening at school (cue the violins). Yeah, that was a HUGE nuts! I basically extended as far as any man should. A few other funny moments to mention: Tangi’s throw-in to his own feet (Lachie was kind enough to ignore it), Panda’s mate going off to sit in Panda’s van at half time because his brain was freezing (no joke!), Graham’s huge shout after kicking a ball out (anyone heard the word “rrrrrrRRRRRAAAAAAAAOOOOOWWWWWrrrr” before?) and Rauru’s huge gestures at Lachie when he thought there’d been a pass back (was anyone else desperately trying to recall what you should do for someone who was having a fit?). These were just funny moments, not pony moments, but worth mentioning.

Some potential Stallion moments:

Lachie agreeing to ref in the most miserable of conditions
Lloyd, for somehow being able to play the same way he does in dry conditions, beating players seemingly at will
Graham – for having an awesome, vocal, physical game. I remember heaps of good, strong plays – headers, steaming runs (that sounds foul), tackles etc. He’d be my first pick for Stallion.
Tangi’s storming run up the right in the first half, beating 3 players then selflessly passing the ball off before losing it.
Rauru – commitment to winning the ball, harrying the defense, and getting in their faces.

I don’t remember anyone else having weak games (though I can’t say I could see anything much), and am happy (in an appropriately humiliated way) to accept the pony. I played like a dog.

Yours earnestly,


So I'm gonna go out on a limb here and vote robin as the Pony and match report writer. There wasn't any obvious moments of pony-ness or anything much stallion worthy - just reasonably solid moments for most of the game. Sure, there were shanked passes and general moments of average-ness but Robin getting nutsed was pretty funny (although not easily remembered it seems - I'm sure Rob will remember it). I vote Rob because besides Graham (twice) he is the only person not to have written a match report when pony since paddy got in early when Rob was pony last. He's also on school hols so what else is he going to do? I think paddy and Corey should decide on MVP points since they watched the game from the sideline.

It was tough work out there boys but we have a good run in so promotion is still all on. Let's bring it next week.

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