Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Heard on the sidelines #3215

Jason: 'Aaron, if you push forward and they score on the break, I'm going to f**ken kill you'.


StevieG said...

Hey, I didn't swear! Never let the truth get in the way of a good story though, right Aaron?

Greevis said...

You were allowed to swear, as long as you 'kept the language down', remember Jason?

Rauru said...

Yea what was up with the ref and his swearing? He mentioned it before the game as well. "I wont tolerate swearing but chopping people is ok"

005 said...

Ha, funny to hear the chopper say that. It would have been even funnier if Paddy got a card for swearing at me and Tristin.

if you didn't say it, it was in your eyes Jason (not that I would have seen, back to you charging down field etc).

Paddy said...

Did you notice that I apologised to the ref but not to you guys - woops...

T said...

you swore Jason. I'm sure there was a fuckin in there