Sunday, May 1, 2011

Coach slammed for lack of half time team talk

Stallions players left to discuss the teams first half performance,the gaffer looking on struggles for words to inspire a 2nd half fight back.


005 said...

Meanwhile Paddy models the new line of Lotto shorts, and young Huxley wonders just how crap his dad's team is - its nothing like those 100 greatest goals you make us all watch on Saturday mornings.

005 said...

I also love the way that Graham and Tangihaere's fluro boots reach out and touch each other for support in these tough times.

Gaffer said...

Haha, screw you Corey. Team talk was fine, it was the bloody execution that was the problem!! You know you're in trouble when you have to bring in a reserve goal keeper ;)

Gustona said...

We can analyse the team talk, as my wife was filming the hux when you gave it!

purely belter said...

Sorry the gaffer in that photo was meant to be Huxley he was dead keen to show us a thing or two in the first half but mum was playing spoil sport and stopped him running on the field. I say if your good enough you're old enough but she felt otherwise. the yoof of today

R said...

Haha true! He tried to make a run for it in the second half too but his agent felt his time wasn't right. He couldn't have made things worse!

The Agent said...

Very glad Huxley provided you all with something to talk about OTHER than the game - which is probably best!
His agent was told about a new rolling subs rule and didn't want The Hux's career marred by such a game!!

Jobbler said...

Do we have a match report yet, or have I missed it along the way?