Friday, May 27, 2011

Near Wardrobe Malfunction Inspires Stallions

Pre game routines have been far from mundane this season for the Stallions. We've had the ball-less preparation at Nairnville, the pre game locked up gear at Boyd Wilson and now, for variety, we've had the shirtless preparation.

However, when the gear and Graham finally did show up, at Grenada North to play Brooklyn, it seemed to concentrate the Stallions minds, and we started with a hiss and a roar, with lots of good early movement and creative play in spite of the sodden pitch. An early play had Rauru beating the keeper with a cross, and leaving Aaron what seemed from the sidelines to be a simple tap in. However it also seemed form the sidelines that Aaron perhaps took the 'tap' part of that a little too seriously, and a desperate lunge from a defender stopped the ball on the line.

However, the Stallions would not be denied and Tristan made no mistake when a ball form Paddy put him through.

There were a couple of other chances later in the first half, Tristan in many instances putting them on, and some great play from Dan and Lloyd in midfield too.

However the second goal came from Dan following a Paddy corner. A wunder goal from Paddy from the edge of the box then followed, which was noteable for it's premature celebration, which itself was prematurely withdrawn before finally the ball hit the back of the auld onion bag.

The Stallions were tested a couple of times at the back as the game grew older, but on each occasion the defence had answers for the questions asked of them and the held on on for a deserved clean sheet.

Final Score 3-0.


005 said...
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005 said...

Oops, got the points wrong so deleted that last comment.

Good man G, I hadn't thought of our history of near wardrobe malfunctions this season - that's over half the games! Brooklyn are late on their weekly match report as well - I'll link to that when it appears/if they can bare to face the realities/horrors of that game.

Talking about facing reality though, I'll say no more about this 'tap in'.

Fantasy points to come, but heres a reveal of the points/awards:
Stallion: Spencer - for that amazing run down the centre, finished with a brilliant attacking ball.
Pony: G - Almost forcing the Stallions to play as skins, and the dead man walking around the edges of the field to get the lost ball.

Was tough, in fact I think we worked out that there were only 3 people who were not up for consideration (ie played shit or barely played), so a damn good team effort, but after a bit of debate it finished up with:
3 - Mr MVP Dan
2- Jason - epic game, dominated, they will still be having nightmares. Remember that huge sliding tackle late in the second half - a thing of beauty.
1 -Lloyd - Another dominating game in the midde of the park.

Hard luck for Paddy - a goal, 2 assists, but simply not good enough to make the Stallions MVP list!