Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Yo G

When you do your match report, make sure you let me know who got the assists.


Anonymous said...

Assists to Lloyd (?) Tristan Paddy

005 said...

Hmm, not so sure - we will need more info than this. According to the rules for assists we use, a couple of those are debatable or non-assists. According to our rigid system Paddy's goal is probabaly without an assist since it was shot out of nowhere, the passer, whoever that was, was not aiming to put someone in a scoring position, just a freak moment (and a goal of the year candidate?). So probably nice pass, no assist.

Tristin's was at least a ball into a dangerous area, but even then Tristin had to do all the work: get the ball from behind him, turn and shoot. In fact the 'assist' possibly made it all that more difficult - but probably an assist nonetheless.

Dan's goal definitely an assist - someone put the ball in the right spot, unless there was a scramble and it was ping ponged around a bit? If it was an assist, who was it?

Then again my head was probably down huffing and puffing for each of these goals, so let me know if I'm wrong. I'm sure the match report will clear it all up.

purely belter said...

The lack of a prompt match report what was the time limit again before it started costing cases of Beer ?

Paddy said...

Hate to say it but I passed it to Tristin for his goal, and took the corner for Dan's....

My goal was passed to me by the defender (I think).

Paddy said...

On the goal of the year issue - no chance. There was no defender near me, and the 'keeper was just scrambling back so just had to make sure it went over /passed him. Given that he was dreadful it wasn't too difficult!

005 said...

That's what I feared Paddy, that's what I feared. Good man, prepare to be rewarded.

Don't like to do the fantasy points before the match report, but looks like I will have to again. Cmon Graham! Destroying all of our traditions: no match reports, no strips for kickoff, headband stays in your bag, but worst of all denying the Stallions the ability to revel/gloat in a glorious win. Almost an early candidate for pony of the season!

005 said...

Question, was Dan a midfielder or a defender last saturday for the purposes of Fantasy? It makes a big difference.

Rauru said...

Played midfield for more than 60 min, inc when he scored goal.