Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Game this weekend

Opportunity to move up the rankings. 1 & 2 play each other - as long as we do the business.

North Wellington __ Miramar Rangers __ Newlands (2.30);
Lower Hutt Sangham __ Petone Chicago __ Fraser 3 (2.30);
Brooklyn Northern __ Wainui Undertakers __ Happy Valley 2 (12.30);
Uni Stallions __ North Wgtn Villa __ Nairnville 2 (2.30);
Marist Inter __ Uni Accies __ Grenada Nth 1 (12.30);


Gustona said...

What are the chances of us playing some more games on the uni astro turf? What channels do we need to pursue about that? WGTN football?

Even a few games on there would be better than playing on the shitty bogs we have to play on week in and week out. I'm willing to pay a bit of dosh to avoid the mud.

What do we reckon?

Rauru said...

Just have to organise it through uni to get the ground, then the other team that we are playing. Shouldnt be too hard.

Panda said...

Great result lads. I'll see you at the game this weekend. Need to be on top form for this game. Go hard!

Greevis said...

Best of luck guys! I'm out for two weeks, but given that I've been the pony in 2 of the last 4 games, and conceded a penalty in a 3rd, this will no doubt strengthen the team. Time to reprise our season starting win!

005 said...

Looks like we might be closer to having another box of beers at the game! And Dan seemed to have the match report already half written!