Monday, April 12, 2010

Heard On The Sidelines #1

The first in a new series:

Julia: 'Yes, Paddy didn't provide Jack with the best genetic materials ...'

How the tide turns - Graham can no longer be called the genetically inferior one.

And polls on goal of the season and the new miss of the season to the left. They will work like last year - each time a new contender comes along the poll be updated and you will can reconsider your vote.

And apologies Lloyd - that should be 'less shit' - I'm sure you have done some les shit in your time, but this is the wrong website.


energy24.7 said...

Who's Dan?

Rauru said...

Dan is another ex 1sts player. Mate of Paddy and co. Played for us a few times and we're trying to make him a regular.

And Aaron, as I remember it, my second goal should really be described as "outmuscles fatty on the turn as ball goes over their head, beats another to the ball with pace, turned a third inside out before calmly slotting the ball with his left". It might get a few more votes that way. Certainly better than the chip. Whoever voted for that must have been thinking of Messi.

005 said...

Nah, it didn't happen that way. Either way it ain't going to get any votes.

Robino said...

I think Dan's header was by far the best. Wasn't there though. I can imagine them all though, and the others were all crap.

Gustona said...

I remember it this way.

"Walker receives the ball with rare excellent first touch, turns into three players, pinballs it off all three of their shins, kicks the ground as he shoots, and the tubby keeper can't get across the goal fast enough to fall on it."

But then I don't think my memory of game play can be trusted. I still think I pass more often than not!

005 said...

Ah, now its all coming back, that's exactly how it happened.