Friday, April 9, 2010

Hodges, Hodges give us a wave

(Photo: Ben practices his patented arms, leg and pout tackle technique)

That stale old smell may have cleared, but something still ain't right at the start of the new season. Its going to be hard to adjust to a Benless Stallions. And no word from the big guy yet - even with the chance to hassle Rauru's drunken master tape. So come on Ben, let us know how the search for a new team went, how you are umm fitting in, and how the first game of the season went ...


Ben Hodges said...

Long running saga with Vodafone means i have no internet connection at home - home being my new home very busy at work too. I am looking forward to having the time and the connection to fill you guys all in.

Oh and regartding shirts I always ALWAYS wore 6 - one of the missing ones...but here is the thing i distinctly remember handing it in at the last game of the season on account of knowing that it would be the last time i wore the shirt so...some other FC has it.

005 said...

So no goals on debut then - I'm sure we would have heard about that ... Good luck for tomorrow.

Rauru said...

Did you even find a team as worth of your talent as the Stallions to play for? If yes, what team and grade? Be good to follow your prgress.