Sunday, April 18, 2010

Fantasy Stallions Football

Ok, looking forward to the first match report by Stevie G which I see half finished in the drafts section. Like the other Stallions playing Fantasy EPL, Sunday morning our minds switch from Stallions to fantasy points. As I sit around waiting for Match of the Day to see my boy Gareth Bale clean up Chelsea and keep me at the top of the table, I thought it might be funny to apply fantasy points to yesterday's Stallions game.

Now, those who have played this game know that there is always a bit of a mystery about fantasy points and how they pan out so may not be truly reflective of what happened and probably wildly inaccurate. But who cares - oh yeah, we need bonus points which I have made up and may not reflect the MVP points we finally come up with.

The other contentious one is what positions we are playing in - ie defenders get clean sheet points - but you need to play at least 60 mins. Who the hell can work that out - except in yesterday's case of the unnamed Stallion who started at right back who played for about 15 mins then subbed off - no clean sheet points for him! Should be bonus points for keeping the subs rolling though!

Ok, so just for f**king round value:

Paul: 10 (+60 mins, clean sheet, +3 saves, 3bps)
Tangihaere 7 (+60 mins, clean sheet, 1 bp)
Jason 6 (+60 mins, clean sheet)
Corey 14 (+60 mins, clean sheet, defender's goal, 2bps)
Panda 6 (+60 mins, clean sheet)
Aaron 6 (+60 mins, MF clean sheet, assist*)
Nick 3 (+60 mins, MF clean sheet)
Paddy 6 (+60 mins, MF clean sheet, assist*)
Robin 3 (+60 mins, MF clean sheet)
Spencer 2 (MF clean sheet - surely less than 60 mins played!)
Logan 3 (+60 mins, MF clean sheet)
Rauru 6 (+60 mins, goal)
Tristin 2 (Damn lucky there ain't minus points!)
Loki 100 (brilliant guest ref)

And Rauru - no - you do NOT get double points for being captain!

Assists are always the tricky one in fantasy points, but lucky the stipulated rules cover yesterdays:

Aaron - 'If a goalkeeper does not have control of the ball and parries a shot or drops a cross or the ball rebounds off the woodwork, the attacking player shooting or crossing the ball receives the assist if a goal directly ensues.'

Paddy - more unbelievably - 'In the event of a penalty, the player earning the penalty gets an assist if it is successfully scored, but not if he takes it himself in which case no assist is given. No assist is given for a player who earns a free kick that subsequently results in a goal.' But by earning do they mean diving? Think you are lucky there Paddy.


StevieG said...

That's brilliant, maybe we could use that system to workout Stallion of the year?

Rauru said...

Yea, like this a lot. Make it a regular feature.

And looking forward to the match report as well. Needs to happen.

And it looks like Lower Hutt and our own inconsistencies are going to be the major threats to the div 7 title this year. They leak a few goals but man do they know how to finish.

005 said...

That sounds like an order!

It could work out ok, lets see how it goes. The numbers look good with a 2-0 victory, but for standard Div 7 results like 2-1, 3-2 individual points will get much lower - and only the goalscorers will benefit from this system. But lets run with it and see how it goes. I mean Corey was clearly more than 2 x as good as anyone else on the park (except Paul) right?

Rauru said...

Yea, points can get a little skewed but it's still a fun way to look at things. If defenders keep clean sheets then they do really well. A clean sheet for a defender is as good as a goal for a striker, and all defenders get it. To do well in this as a striker, you have to score goals, which is fair enough as that's a strikers job. I thought Paddy played bloody well and got himself around the park really well. He certainly deserves more points than the others on that list that got 6 points (myself especially!).

Mid-fielders have a tough job though. You either need to dominate the game and get bonus points or score goals to do well, and in our team it's usually the defenders that get the bonus points as they do a bloody good job at the back, and the strikers that get the goals (unless Aaron puts a shoelace in the way, or Corey know). Be good for a few shits and giggles though.

Rauru said...

And I think there should be a new voting poll in honour of Hodges. Maybe the "Ben Hodges worst goal of the season award".

It looks like some of our best goals in the voting poll were actually pretty poor (although I'm only going off description) and after Corey's effort on Saturday there could be an argument that this poll goes up. Although, would it be best worst goal, or just the worst goal?

Probably a couple more additions for worst miss need to be added as well.

005 said...

Love it - amazing the the way we still manage to take the piss out of Hodges - new & updated polls coming soon.

Updated misses - there was Tristin's howler - open goal header across the face of goal, another from Tristin? Owning up to one Rauru?

Rauru said...

Hell no, I aint taking a bad miss. I'll take a big fine for just a general shit game, but I dont think I was actually good enough to get into a goal scoring position to even have a chance at missing one. I did take a shot toward the end of the game (last kick of the game I think) but it was a tough angle and at least I made the keeper save it.

Tristin missed another when Gus put him through. He made a good run, got in behind the D, ball came in a he shanked it wide from about 10 yards with only the keeper in front of him.