Sunday, April 18, 2010

University Stallions 2 V Nth Wellington Varsity 0

Stadio de la Nairnville was bathed in sunshine for the first ever league meeting between these two teams. With the playing surface in perfect condition, a high quality game was expected from both side's loyal supporters.
The unbeaten Stallions made three changes from the team that downed Marist the week previous, Bob Hinkels came in for Joe Fogarty who was out for family reasons. Hinkels, who just hours before had signed a lucrative sponsorship deal with Hallensteins, was sporting a new pair of playing shorts for the match. T. Walker 'Texas Ranger' was recalled from the Stallions reserves to replace Graham Mann who ruled himself out on the morning of the match with a dislocated hairdo. Stallions star midfielder, Lloyd Lampard was on loan with Chelsea playing in their crunch game with Tottenham.

From the kickoff both teams looked to attack, with the Stallions fashioning the better chances. Stallions keeper Paul Kilford had little to do in the first half, with the Stallions back four of Bell, T. Walker, Aitofi and Lister dealing comfortably with most of Nth Wgtn's advances.

The Stallions were guilty of giving away possesion cheaply for much of the first half, too often relying on their direct style of attack. The Nth Wgtn attackers looked comfortable playing the slow build up, keeping the ball well at times. White and Sawyer were kept busy in the centre of midfield trying to keep tabs on their larger counterparts.

The dead lock was broken in the 25th minute (approx) when a goal mouth scrambled ensued from a Stallions corner. Lister's thunderous 6yd drive from a McCleary knock down was initially parried by the previously unemployed Nth Wgtn keeper. The ball fell invitingly for 'Johnny on the spot' Bell, who rammed it home with his knob at the Lucknow Terrace end for his 5th Stallions goal. Last season's FIFA Stallions Player of the Year looks to carry on from last year's effort and continue to score goals with all parts of the anatomy - bar his feet.

Buoyed by the goal, the Stallions looked to play the ball along the ground more and looked likely to steal another. Good chances were squandered by Stallion strikers McCleary and Rafa Walker, and so the home side went to the break 1-0 to the good.

After the half time debrief, the Stallions were again slow to get into the second half, with Nth Wgtn almost scoring in the opening minutes. The visitors sent more men forward, employing two attacking wide men. This left space open in the middle of the park and the Stallions were then under siege from the skilful Nth Wgtn attacking midfielders.

The Stallions then went defensive with almost all players in their own half defending at times. Playing on the counter, the home side fashioned chances for McCleary and Rafa Walker. These chances were duly wasted prompting Bell to offer his services up front for the out-of-sorts McCleary. McCleary has been fined heavily for his performance after staying out all night before the match partying.

A break down the left by Stallions utility, Logan Mead fed another Stallions utility Sawyer, on the left hand edge of the Nth Wgtn box. Sawyer played the ball past defender Monty Panesar who could only stick out a leg to catch the Stallions utility. Referee Lachlan Poll already had the whistle in his mouth for what was a clear penalty. Sawyer admitted later to making a meal of the dive, however there was no doubt and Panesar was the only Nth Wgtn player to complain.

Rafa Walker, who at the pre-match press conference told all present he would be taking the season's penalty kicks, sent the keeper the wrong way with a nicely taken penalty, curled low to the left post. Stallions 2-0 (68th min) approx...

Trench warfare then ensued with T. Walker 'Texas Ranger' leading the charges, ably supported by Kilford who commanded his area with authority in the second half. Referee Poll played about 10mins of injury time, obviously not wanting to give the whistle up. When the whistle finally did go, the Stallions were relieved men, after being outplayed for large parts of the game they had held on for a hard earned three points. Player/Manager Rafa Walker will be concerned at the number of missed chances so far, although the Stallions can boast the league's best defensive record at present.

Stallions fans are daring to dream now with their side in second place after making their best ever start to a league season since the 1905 'Invincibles'.

Attendance: 7 and a dog...


005 said...

Funniest match report EVER ...

Rafa said...

That is brilliant. Absolutely love it. I actually LOLed. I couple of points for the record:

1) I didn't waste any chances in the game as I was too shit to even have any chances (and was off for most of the first half when the acusations were made)

2) No, I'm not concerned at the lack of finishing. I'd be concerned if we weren't making the chances but since we are making them the goals will soon flood in with a bit more time.

purely belter said...

Like I said happy to fill in up front Rauru ;)

Great match report !!!

Tangi said...

bloody hell just reading that report and having a look at the league table i'm feeling nervious already for the coming game!! Lets put those little wannabes away!!

005 said...

I can see Robin posing on a Hallenstein's billboard - 'I used to wear long shorts, but now I'm knee length. Friends support friends who wear knee-lenght shorts', Bob Hinckles, Stallion/Good Laika.

Yep, big game this weekend, at KP too! According to last week's match programme the 4ths are an entirely new squd from last season. The Raiders had a good win too - could be a good battle for uni supremamcy in Div 7.

StevieG said...

Bob Hinkels is a cricket nickname, I can't take credit for it...suits him though!

Unknown said...

Paddy dived in the box? No way.
I can only presume it was a clear penalty. Can't believe he let Rauru take it.

Fully endorse Stevie G as match reporter.

KP this weekend, can't wait.