Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Robinho to commence play in advance of season


Rauru said...

Oh no he didn't!!! He didn't really use the Stallion name to try to promote his own music career did he?! Any payment he receives goes straight into the fine tin I say as royalty payment.

Greevis said...

Actually he didn't; that was me and poor man's photoshop (MS Paint). The original poster is here:

005 said...

Ha - that's great GMan. If Rob can draw on at least half of the Stallions fanbase, he would ummm earn a buck or 2 extra.

I think Rob should write the Stallions theme song.

The Hop said...

Judging by his innings this season, it might only be a coda...

The Hop said...

Oh, and while I'm here, I really ought to (re)lay down the backyard gauntlet. You armless wonders are obviously too terrfied to 'defend' the title you never should have won. When does the kicksies seasons start, anyway? We could do the 17th or 24th of April if anyone is willing to front.

Rauru said...

Mate, we're well under way by then. We kick off Easter weekend. How about a Friday night, say a 5:30 start? Finish off (or start) with a few brews. We we do it sometime in the next month we should be able to fit it in before it gets dark.

The Hop said...

Suits me, bit not sure if people with 'jobs' will be keen to make 5.30. Do you reckon you can rustle up a half dozen or so of your guys?