Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Random horse poo humour

And then this is just random and probably is what Graham and I would like to do to Gus ;)


005 said...

Blatant attempt to bury your drunken video deep into the archive of the blog! Go those happy feet. Shame we don't get the bouncer throwing you out. Can't question your rhythm though - was this the day of the Michael Jackson goal scoring/crotch grabbing celebration?

Rauru said...

Heh heh. Real blatant. Don't think I'm finished either! Nah, it wasn't the night of the Michael Jackson celebration. We didn't play soccer that day. But now that you mention it, there's an idea for a new poll. Greatest goal scoring celebration for the Stallions? I remember Nick's cartwheel backflip after a goal against Wainui. There's been a couple of others though. Definitely something that should be encouraged more though.

005 said...

Might have to exercise my moderator powers and delete all your stupid posts.

As for best celebration hands down Nick's backflip - noone knew a Stallion had such skills.

Perhaps we need a third end of season proize - Stallion/Colt/best celebration?

In fact, after Gus's video I propose that you get the headband to wear since he and Nick are away. Happy Feet is a shocker.

Rauru said...

Gus is playing the first game so he gets to wear it (Paul has it). After that, the only time I'll be wearing it is when I play as crap as I did on Sunday.