Saturday, March 20, 2010

Comings & Goings 1 - Ben H

This season we say goodbye to a few Stallions. Oddly they are 'personalities' of the team, who feature often in the blog (normally in the 'lets take the piss' kind of way). So in tribute of our fallen homies, lets start by taking out the trash.

Ben H - In many ways the heart and forehead of the Stallions. A fixture in the centre of the midfield for seasons, known for his never give up attitude, crap knock in goals, tripping over his own feet, cries of anguish, and, most importantly, bringing along Steve so the rest of us don't have to ref.

What can be said about Ben that has not been said here before; but here are a few highlights from the past:
Hodges Appreciation week, 2009
My Favourite Hodges Moment, 2008
Player Profile 2008
A Little Man, A Big Goal, 2009

For those of you who don't know, Ben is following the path of many over the hill, once great players by leaving the big leagues and retiring to play for a sea-side team. I'm sure the Raumati team will umm value you as much as we will Ben, good luck to you. All jokes and hassles aside, you will be missed big time. In classic Ben style, he is the first Stallion to retire holding the 'pony of the season' award (and hell yeah, you better return her to us!)

I'm sure you won't be lost to the team, so perhaps you should become a foreign correspondent type and give us weekly roundups of your adventures for another (clearly much worse) team. Keep in touch.

1 comment:

purely belter said...

Big time missed good luck Ben