Monday, March 29, 2010

A Preseason of sorts

So the Stallions got together for a bit of a kickaround last weekend. I think the skipper should give us a honest assessment. How the Stallions looking after the off season? Sharp? Twilight boys carve up? Anyone looking like an early season bolter? Do we look like champions? More importantly, did we practice the Stallions kickoff? No pre-season Ludlow curses?


Anonymous said...

Nice matching of strips

Rauru said...

That guy in the middle looks how I felt on Sunday after a boozy night out. That's my excuse for the 5-a-side team consisting of myself, Corey, Tangihaere, Joe and Jason getting absolutely dealt to by Spencer, Paddy, Panda, Nick and Paul. If you want an absolute honest assessment it would be that we were really crap while the others made it look like we were playing Brazil (as Paddy chose to sing at one point). But it was a pretty fair comment. They had great movement, good running into space with passes that found their man, and some good man marking meaning that we never really had anyone free. Our team? We looked like England of the early 90s - boot the ball upfield and hope that someone does something.

It was great to see Nick and Paul back out there running around as part of the Stallion mix again and I am picking big things for both these players. Panda was full of running and told me after that he has been training with the Tawa 1sts recently so he's all set to go for the new season (although he still said he'll probably be coming off the bench).

Paddy was all energy, running around like a lepricorn on speed putting pressure on everybody, and it took all our energy not to just chop the little fu(ker when he had the ball ;)

Spencer was a good link man and was pretty much always where he needed to be when he needed to be there.

Our team, well, the less said the better really. Tangihaere was his usual full-of-talk self. I did less running than I usually do (which says a lot) and was as generally as shit as a Bahrain penalty taker. Corey was full of running as always but their passing game was quicker than his chicken legs (he also managed to score for both teams). Jason sat in goal most of the game, and Joe? Well, he was wearing a ugly top so I tried to look at him as little as I could ;)

So there you, the preseason ended before it even really got going, but it was good to get most people together for a hit out.

Bring on next weekend! (well, this weekend really but since I'm not playing I'm trying not to think about it too much!)

005 said...

You definitely should have chopped Paddy.