Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Time to fire this bad boy back up!

And what better way than with the draw for the new season:

Nth Wgtn Varsity __ SV Killer Bees __ Alex Moore 1 (2.30);
Wgtn United Elite __ Uni Stallions __ MacAlister 1 (2.30);
Uni Raiders __ Lower Hutt City __ Nairnville 1 (2.30);
Marist Cobras __ University 4th XI __ Miramar 3 (12.30);

Div 7 has had some changes; farewell Magpies and Marist Town, hello old enemies the Raiders, Lower Hutt City, and who the hell are Ngtn Wgtn Varsity? Start off with a grudge match against the Elite.

University 4th XII - what the - um they just avoided relegation and we nearly won the league(ish). Perhaps they should be called 'university players who think they are good enough to play higher but sucked at the trials, and are patted on the head and put in the 4ths to become fodder for the Stallions'.

Bring it.


Anonymous said...

so what teams do we have to look out for?

Rauru said...

Shame on you Anon! Teams need to watch out for us!

But having a look, obviously the Raiders are a good bunch, although their only win last season was against Lower Hutt (who are also in our grade) and that was in the cup playoffs. They seemed to have taken a pretty dramatic fall from grace last year but to my memory we've never beaten them so they probably deserve some respect. We'll find out more if we get a friendly game against them.

The Uni 4ths will be completely different to last year. They potentially could be good, but by definition they are the 46th to 60th best players the club got to their trials. They have at least been to trials though so if nothing else they will be keen and possibly practise, although they will not gel together much so getting them early in the season would be good (the 4ths were pretty crap when we first played them last year but beat us the second time round - although we were really crap).

I remember the name Killer Bees from a few years back, and dont remember them being that good. The Stokes Valley club has been in a bit of turmoil though apparently. Their 1sts came 7th out of 10 in div 1 last year, and their 2nds (in our grade) won the grade, but something has happened and now they only have 1 team in div 3, and the Killer Bees in our grade (who were in div 8 last year). It'd be reasonable to expect a couple of those guys from our grade to be in the Killer Bees this year so they could be pretty good (although we beat them twice last year and should have won the 3rd game).

No idea who Nth Wgtn Varsity are. We have played Nth Wgtn in the past and they have been good, but dont remember the name varsity. They won their grade and the cup last year so it'd be fair to say they are pretty good. They only conceded 12 goals in the main comp last year, so it looks like they have a good D. I think they could well be our main competition.

purely belter said...

Straight into it I see.A tricky encounter with Elite should be a good way to start the season off I reckon.

005 said...

The Killer Bees - these guys?

Don't know if they are dressed for winter soccer in Wellington.

And Corey, good to see your hatred for the Elite hasn't gone away over summer!