Saturday, May 30, 2009

Congratulations Joe and Mandy...

Proud owners of a brand new baby girl born friday night 9.34pm weighing at 7lbs 15oz

congratulations too you both

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Talk about chip off the old block

13 yr old Daniel Maldini in action. Sad the old fella's retired.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

A very knobly goal, part 1 of 2

A Very knobly goal part 2 of 2

Ludlow Curse victims?

This is worth a bit of a read. Pretty lengthy but all good and pretty funny all the same.

It got me thinking, what are the funniest injuries to have hit the Stallions, and who are the victims of the Ludlow curse and how did they happen? I think Lachlan succumbed to the Ludlow curse when he bust his knee before the curse was even invented didn't he? Glen certainly did when he broke his arm at Anderson Park in either the first or second game of the 2003 season (his first season), with Ludlow braking his ankle(?) a couple of minutes after scoring a goal 5 minutes into season 2004 and then going on to curse the Stallions for ever more.

That was followed by myself in 2005 when I tapped the ball into the back of the Marist net after good work from Willy. I remember seeing the ball roll over the line from about 10 yards and the next thing a knew I was on the ground after one of the dirty Marist f**ckers took out my ankle, leaving me on the sideline for more than half the season with a broken ankle and tendon damage.

Jamie is obviously a double recipient, with Lloyd a co-recipient this year, but who else has fallen victim to the curse?

And how about funny injuries? Has anyone exploded egg on their face or tripped over their kid ala Kirk Broadfoot (see link) and David Kidwell (ironic surname for that injury!). Paddy's hamstring after trying to emulate Hodges is up there and fine worthy. Any others?

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Stallions rocking Kelburn Park ...

... On Queens birthday weekend, vs Marist.

First home game in a couple of seasons, a team we have vowed to avenge after an ugly loss, winner to outright 3rd (possibly even second). Rain, F**K OFF.

U.S 1 v 3 Karori Magpies Ngatitoa domain 23rd may 09

Oh Wellington,is wonderful
Oh Wellington is wonderful,We've got the wind the rain and the Stallions.
Oh Wellington is wonderful.

Hard luck yesterday boys.

By the time most people had woken up capital football had transferred U.S v Magpies From Karori park to Ngatitoa Domain in Paremata.

The ground itself was, considering the weather over the past few weeks absolutely primo, had drained well with no muddy bogs and the grass had been cut which is something the P.C.C has been better at doing than the W.C.C for years, maintaining good sports fields,but i digress.

With a few late pullouts due to illness and what not, the Stallions lined up with 11 players eager to get the game done and dusted before the first stages of hypothermia set in.

Bernard our late notice ring in was only able to play 60 mins as he actually plays rugby and had a game to play at 2.30.He acquitted himself really well and can expect to be called upon if needed again and isn't playing rugby of course, a solid player who committed himself well around the park.

We had the biggest southerly breeze ever at our back when the Magpies kicked off and that meant we spent a lot of time in the Magpies half of the field, the wind was so strong the lightest touch of the ball and it would just run on forever so playing ball to feet was a test in itself.
We gained a few corners and had a few goods long range shots trying to use the wind but it was a Barron time in front of goal.

Their 1st
The Magpies had managed a few times to break through and get their way into our goal box, a couple of shots tested Ben Brooks but Generally the wind helped to blunt their shots on goal.
One attack had a Stallion shoulder to shoulder with a Magpies player who I reckon tripped over his own feet and fell inside the box as the clearance was made,the ref from 48 metres away with a jacket up over his nose and a beanie covering his eyebrows blows a PENALTY he'd have been lucky to see past the lint on his beanie FFS bullshit call of the season in my mind.

So they step up and put the ball into the left hand corner pocket and take a lead well against the run of play. 0-1 25mins

I'll take an angry man fine because that was utter crap and I let him know it too, as did most stallions, his reply "do you want another ref", Umm yeah actually we would.

So we kicked off, regathered ourselves and set about trying to gain the equaliser, having spent so much time in the magpies half it was imperative we score and score from anywhere.
We'd put the magpies under pressure it wasn't hard the wind was really the biggest help every time they would clear the ball the wind would pick it up and send it straight back over their heads.
Knowing that was to be our fate in the 2nd half we all knew the importance of getting as many goals as possible in the 1st.

Our Goal
We'd been awarded a corner and the ball was sent into the box, bobbled around and wasn't cleared by the magpies.
Aaron got a boot to the ball and after taking a deflection it found it's way into the right hand corner of the goal giving U.S an equaliser, Aaron rolling away counting the amount of goals he's scored this season on his hand, I'm not sure why he started counting on the second hand though. 1-1 35mins

The game continued and we kept trying to get another goal to go into half time with a lead but it wasn't to be.

1-1 halftime

Kicking off the second half we knew there were a few things we'd need to do to get something out of the game.
We needed to sit deep in defence the 2nd half, the ball was just going to fly through the air, the second half was going to be the test,the tables had turned and we needed to be strong defensively and be quick to counter on attack.

No matter how you tried to clear the ball if it went in the air it came back at you, fast.
It wasn't long before the Magpies began to use the wind well themselves, we held them out for a good deal of the time and they like U.S in the first half found themselves shooting from well outside the box hoping to use the wind to aid the goals.

Their 2nd
We received the ball back from a magpies attack about twenty five yards inside our own half and a pass made across field became a 50/50 lottery, we got to the ball at the same time and as I attempted to clear the ball it ricocheted off the magpies players boot and fell nicely in front of him with me having to turn and chase he already had 5 or 6 yards on me being unable to catch him he was able to peel off a shot which Ben Brooks had no show in stopping 2-1 magpies 60mins

Not wanting to give up we tried to have a go at the magpies, but the wind and by now the driving freezing rain with bits of hail thrown in were starting to take their toll,with Bernard now having to leave to play rugby the game became even tougher for U.S, reduced to 10 men we needed to put in another hard shift.

Paddy had organised a mate to come watch, Dan he did U.S a huge favour and threw a shirt on that helped take the numbers back to 11.

The magpies started to shoot from all distances they had the wind and were going all out to put the game to bed.
One shot was a screamer, it went over the back of the goal lucky for U.S but not so the poor little unsuspecting school girl warming up for netball between our game and the netball courts she took it full force in the face which had the mums and dads furious with all of us as if it was intentional, so a quick check to make sure no real injury and apologises to the parents it was game back on .

We had some attacks ourselves keeping the ball on the ground we worked it up the field and were unlucky not to perhaps grab something but the wind and some good defence held U.S out

Their 3rd.
With the game getting on we were trying to get forward to score an equaliser not having much luck with the weather playing it's part we began to lose our shape the magpies had regained the ball inside our own half after being given the ball the striker turned me the wrong way and got a shot on goal which sailed into the back of the net giving the magpies a 3-1 lead with minutes to play.

The game would end and the magpies would take all 3 points, the scoreline a bit stink, but the result probably rightly so, they used the conditions better I think, held on the first half and had a right go the 2nd

No need to drop our heads though lads we played pretty well I thought, just the weather was the leveller on the day.

Stallions : Ben Brooks,Mike,Tangi,Jason,Corey,Aaron,Ben Hodges,Patrick,Bernard,Logan,Tristin
Subs : Dan

Goals U.S Aaron

Saturday, May 23, 2009


It appears we are playing same time but out at Ngatitoa Domain in idylic spot next to the sea (for sea read cook strait and all the lovely vespers which will be coming on shore today)

20mins to 30 mins to drive out depending on traffic etc.. Suggest for those going to Kp (which includes Patrick today that you be prepared to leave KP at quarter to at the latest....who the hell thinks they will be able to warm up in weather like this.

Friday, May 22, 2009

The case of the missing stallion

The Stallion has not been seen now for 3 weeks. The last 3 recipients have not received their glittering trophy, and his status is now uncertain. The last person seen with the Stallion was Nick White, which makes sense since he has a history of stealing our trophies (remember the great lost pony saga of 2006?), and has not been at the game/post game sessions since he was awarded the prize. It was Tristin who first pointed the finger, and he's dodgy as hell and has a history of Stallion abuse (remember last season's dumping in the rubbish bin?) so he's got to be a suspect.

We need to find the Stallion, and then settle on a suitable fine.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Goal celebrations

With a bit of talk lately about goal celebrations, I thought it time to bring up some discussion on it.

Aaron claimed that he had been working on his 'ride-my-stallion-into-the-sunset-while-shooting-a-six-shooter' and we would get to see it many times this season. After his match winning goal on Saturday, I think he was so shocked to see the ball in the back of the net that he forgot all about his celebration and instead went for the 'possum-in-the-head-lights' celebration which he last tried to pass off as a 'I'm-Eric-Cantona-and-do-this-all-the-time' celebration. You fooled no one Aaron.

So without further ado, here is a video on how celebrations should (and sometimes should not) be done. 1:38 is my personal favourite.

It was also brought up at the fine session that the next person who scores a goal needs to do the 'Stallion-into-the-sunset-with-the-six-shooter' celebration. I had a bit of a think about it and think that instead of saying the next person who scores needs to do it (which is probably a little unrealistic) we should say that the first person who does it and makes it cool, should get a $5-10 credit. I know, I know, this is hugely controversial as we don't ever reward, but this could be an exception.

The person who scores will have to pick their moment carefully. The key is on making it cool. This celebration after a goal like Aaron's would have been cool. It was the last couple of moments, the scores were tied, it was the match winner and lots of people came to congratulate him. Riding away on his Stallion shooting a gun would have been cool (especially if everyone chased him and fell over after they get shot). Joe's goal that I heard about from either last season or the season before also would have been good. Doing it after a break-away with a one on one with the keeper with no-one else around, or Ben's 'chip' against Elite would not.

I say make it cool, get the credit. Make it shameful, get the pony and a massive fine. Thoughts?

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Stallions Benny Hill Moment #34521

Nice header Panda. What's the bet Tangi yelled at him for being out of position ...

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Elite Match report from a couple of weeks back


The expected complaining about the ref. Whatever.

And talk about 'their big old fashioned striker' who 'smashed a screamer from 25 yards'. A weird amalgam of Rauru and Tristin? I guess Tristin is more in that mould than rauru, but he smashed no screamer.

Here is a rather different talk - the Magpies dissecting their 8 goal hammering of Elite. Probably the refs fault ...

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Spencer and Aaron 2, Stokes Valley 1, Nairnville Park, 16.05.09

Let's just start by saying this ain't going to be up to the standard of Corey's normal match report - I ain't got it in me. But the day didn't start well with Corey (Mr MVP points) having to pull out - hope things are getting better. Twas a bit of a blow considering we were taking on the top team who had only conceded 7 goals all season and were yet to taste bitter defeat.

The game (I think - could be well off target) played out pretty much like last week's effort against Elite, with the exception of changing gale force winds and bitterly cold showers. Stallions had the edge in a tightly contested first half, definitely dominating territory and making better opportunities. A couple of good chances - Logan rocketing in a shot which it looked like Rauru would get to off the rebound. But it was up to good old Smiling Assassin Spencer to break the deadlock about mid way through the half - a glorious lofted shot from about 35 meters that looked perfect the moment it left the boot, flew true, and dropped perfectly below the bar as the keeper's arms flailed in vain. Cue ecstatic celebrations and a lift for the rest of the half.

It wasn't all Stallions. Vegas had a couple of good chances - one well hit shot rebounded off the cross bar, and there was a moment of old skool Stallions madness in the box as about 4 or 5 players all tried and failed to clear the ball, shanks and miscues galore, but it was eventually cleared. Overall though, a great first half from the defence - Joe and Tangihaere especially throwing in some tough and needed tackles.

Half time, Stallions felt pretty good, but knew the changing wind was going to make the second half more difficult, that we traditionally tire pretty quick, and that Vegas were going to throw everything at us. Word was lets start hard and not lose our lead within 10 minutes like last week. Within about 10 minutes it was 1-1 due to an unfortunate own goal. Under the hammer since half time, Tangihaere went to make yet another big save, the ball rebounded of his boot straight into bottom left. Dumb luck - nothing either Tangihaere or Ben B could do - 1-1.

Funny moment. Tristin and I have been working on a new kick off tactic, worked well against Elite. Only difference then was that Rauru not Gus was involved. At half time we explained it carefully to Gus, he nodded approvingly (hell, all he had to do was tap it to Tristin). First time he just runs off with the ball himself, at the kick off after their goal he does something else weird and the ball ends up being booted straight into one of our own players. Benny Hill.

Game got pretty intense and scrappy from this point on. Vegas pretty much camped in our 3rd but struggling to attack the goal. Cue angry skins and gloves wearing striker to clean out Ben H with an ugly, ugly two footed, springs up tackle. Ben hobbles off, Paddy calls the Vegas player a cocksucker, gets shouldered by another player. Things getting heated. If anything it fires up the defence. A little while later after Paddy shields a ball over the line for a goal kick, skins/gloves man kicks out and takes Paddy's feet out. Stupid, pointless thing to do. Steve, knowing he needs to take control, sends him off - Stallions do the good sports thing and allow him to be subbed - just get the psycho off the pitch before he breaks someone's leg! Oh, almost forgot - after this incident (like 10 seconds after) Joe come storming in from the sideline and pushes the guy, potentially starting an all in brawl.

Start to regret that decision as psycho's replacement is a much, much better player who gives their attack more structure and we are under the hammer again.

I kind of forget what happened here to put us ahead. All I recall is standing outside the box with a tingling left boot, seeing their keeper in awe, while Loki and jamie went nuts on the sideline. A great moment sure, but also a heavily fined one. Fined for not delivering on the promised 'ride my stallion into the sunset shooting my six shooter' celebration, also fined for going instead for a Cantona 'I do this all the time, now come and admire my mad skillz' celebration.

The final 10 was pretty hard out defence all round, and some anxious moments. Both Paddy and Panda pretty much clearing off the line, panda with a huge header off a powerful shot. A bit of scrambling, the final whistle, celebrations.

That's 2 good wins in a row against teams above us on the table to put us into clear 3rd. Magpies destroyed Elite 8-0, a result we can look at two ways. Its good it gives us 3 points (and a decent goal diff) on Elite, but Magpies are looking pretty untouchable now - and will have to lose a few times in the second round to give anyone else a chance.

Stallion - Aaron
Pony - Tangihaere
3 - Joe
2 - Spencer
1 - Mike B

Disclaimer: None of this may actually have happened.


One question though - how on earth did Gus manage to convince us that this was not an open goal? The keepers not only standing completely out of the goal mouth, he's not even watching!

New Photographs - Flying Stallions

Jamie handed over a new disk of photos of our 09 season. 100s of images, and this is 'disk 1 of many'. Some classics. Might have to try to upload them all to flickr or something and save the highlights for here. Thanks Jamie.

Here is a small selection of flying stallions top start us off:

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Old news now ...

... but still nice to hear the whinging ...

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Match Preview - Stokes Valley

This is going to be a tough battle. A quick scout of the SVAFC website shows that this is a new team, and that they are the club's reserve side mainly made up of 'old first team players, Hendo's team and a couple of young players (to bring the average age down)...'

They have had a pretty easy run of it in Div 7 this season, winning all but 1 draw with the Magpies. Scored 22 goals, goal diff puts them top of the table.

El Grapadura, regular Div 7 commentator on the YF site seems to oddly rate the Stallions, and normally picks us/wants us to win. A bit of a warning from him this week though:

'For the Stallions lads - good luck against Stokes Vegas on Saturday. They're a very good side, but are the biggest bunch of whiners/moaners/complete nutters I have seen in a long, long time. I really hope you beat them, and not just because that would be a good result for us. Also heard from some Marist lads who played them up at SVegas is that they have some of the worst home reffing they'd ever seen. So maybe try and organise another man in black for that game.'

That's you Steve Hodges (hopefully)!

In an earlier message, EG writes: 'shut up that crazy little Irish leprechaun that SVegas have, and their striker who thinks he's way better than he actually is.'

Enough about them though, this is all about the Stallions, and if we can play like we did last week (especially in that first half) we can beat anyone in this grade. Someone made the observation last week that we didn't tire as much in the last 20 as early games - a bit of fitness emerging to match all that flair and skill?

Top four teams playing each other this weekend, points up for grabs are big.

And yes ben, do we have to hurry you up every week, fine report please!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


After Saturdays debacle of the throw ins, I thought I'd post a link to a video of how a soccer throw in should be taken. Mike and Joe, please watch and have it sorted out by Saturday.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Auditing of the Stallions Accounts

The Stallions accountant has had his first look at our accounts.


Gus $26.50
Paddy $12.50
Nick W $12.00
Aaron $15.50
Graham $17.50
Tangi $16.00 (paid $20)
Ben B $22.50
Tristan $19.50
Hodges $17.00
Spencer $20.00
Corey $21.00
Jason $21.00
Joe $25.50
Panda $17.50
Rauru $24.50
Mike B $19.50 (paid $7.50)
Llloyd $1.50
Jamie $2.50

While our accountant was generally happy with the accounts he asked that the team be made aware of one glaring issue that he requested be dealt with immediately. It seems that not only is Hodges not the most fined player, there are only four players that have fewer fines. Our accountant has asked that this be remedied prior to the next auditing of the books.

He also suggested that it might be wise for people to start making a few down payments on their debts. Remember, the accountant knows people who know people, and some of the people that the people he knows know are scary people.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

U.S 2 v 1 Wgtn Elite Anderson park 9th may 2.30pm

University Stallions continued their good form from previous weeks to claim all 3 points in a game that saw 3 yellow cards issued to the Wgtn elite side.

Weather had been abysmal all week so it was great too see Saturday dawn fine and reasonably warm,Capital football was forced to cancel 10 grades so it was a relief to see we were still playing as scheduled with no ground transfer.

The cancellations meant we were lucky enough to get an official ref for the game, something Wgtn elite didn't deal with to well.

The ground wasn't too bad although the middle of the park where the cricket wickets had been was complete shite, the end of the game it resembled a muddy pig pen.

Elite kicked off, it took a while to feel each other out but after some attacking forays from elite, we started to move the ball around a bit and began too put pressure on them ourselves.
We got a few corner kicks that were well delivered but were equally well challenged from the elite defence who cleared their lines well.

1st goal,
With the defence holding out the Elite attack with relative ease, the forwards were beginning to get more ball to feet and were trying really hard to take on the elite defence.
Rauru was given a nice ball about 25 or so metres out from Tristin and turned two defenders inside out leaving himself with space just to the left outside the 18yard box and with his left foot curled a beautiful ball into the back of the net past a diving keeper who had no show in stopping that
1-0 20 or so minutes gone.

The rest of the half was i feel dominated by U.S ,the defence was solid all game and made the elite side really work hard to create the little opportunities they had,the midfield playing a key role in holding onto the ball and offering themselves as options to let the forwards get up a bit more so it was good to go into the half with a lead.


The halftime talk was positive we all felt we were the better of the two sides the 50/50 balls were going our way, but it was important to start the 2nd half well, after last weeks capitulation we needed to start the stronger of the two sides.

2nd half

And the stronger of the two we were, we went out and attacked elite right from the off and made good inroads into their defensive 3rd gaining a few early corners too, really put their defence under pressure and limiting their attacks.
A few of the Elite players began to get frustrated and when some decisions went against them they blew up at the ref who does what ref's do in those situations he carded them 3 in all 2 in the game and one at the end when an elite player remonstrated about the refs performance.

Their goal
We'd been on the attack for a bit and it was elites turn to put some pressure on U.S.
Taking U.S on through the middle elite managed to worm their way through the midfield and into the back of our defenders and a really nice shot was taken from an elite player about 9 yards out on the right hand side and we found ourselves all level
1-1 55minutes.

Knowing we'd been sucker punched the Stallions began to play with a bit more heart and desire (not that we hadn't been already)really putting in the extra effort to regain what should be a rightful lead, piling on pressure and snuffing out elites attacks before they became dangerous.
it would have to rate as one of the best performances of the season so far from the team really digging deep in all areas.

We were given a couple of free kicks, one was taken 35 yards out on the right quickly by Tristin who crossed it too Spencer on the left hand goal post and he was terribly unlucky not to put U.S in the lead the header just going wide.

our 2nd goal,
We managed to stop an attack from elite and went on the counter, the ball made it's way up the field through some nice passing and slap happy defending,the Elite defence tried to play Hodges offside on the left hand 6yard box but he beat it and got a shot off that went right into the back off the net, giving U.S the lead and Wgtn Elite a mountain to climb. 2-1 75minutes gone

By now Elite were throwing everything at U.S but we remained solid throughout the rest of the game the whole team doing it's bit to hold elite out, the game would ebb and flow both ways until the ref called time and the University Stallions claimed a deserved win.

Stallions: Ben Brooks,Graham,Corey,Jason,Mike,Joe,Aaron,Ben Hodges,Spencer,Rauru,Tristin
Subs: Tangi,Panda

Goals Rauru 20mins,Ben Hodges 75mins

Saturday, May 9, 2009

All Go.

Game is on today boys. See you all at Anderson Park (Botanical Gardends) at 2pm.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Check the rest of this animation out - its brilliant.

About half way down this page.

Reminds me of Gus and the Magpies ref last season.


Looks like Aaron is making a play to get the finemaster role back (missing the power maybe?), so I thought I better get these up before we end up back under his tyrannical rule.

Stallion - Tristan (if you were at the game you know why).
Pony - Me (ditto).

MVP - 3 - Tristan
2 - Corey
1 - Hodges (the benefits of being at the fine session - he shot down his competitor for the last point with clinical precision).


Me - A second $5 fine
Corey - Spittle in the corners of his mouth. We thought it might be because he was rabid, but Jason says it happens every game. Look out for this to become a regular fine.
All the defenders - Conceding four goals, shame on us all.
Joe - fine for checking at half time if he was a father yet.
Hodges/Rauru - fines for the half time talk tiff.
Gus - finally breaking the goal drought
Gus - still having less goals than Corey
Everyone - either an angry man, or a fine for not getting angry when we played so crap.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

'A little odd'

From Elite's match report against the Marist Cobras: 'their prematch
huddled mantra 'cobras - cooobrassssssssss' was a little odd!

Rest of the match report for this week's stallion opponent here (about half way down). A lot of respect for the Cobras.

So, new finemaster, what's the fine for the fines not being posted all week? Would never, never have happened last season.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Karori Aces 4 v 5 U.S Kaori park #2 2nd may 2.30pm

What an eventful game this turned out to be a 9 goal thriller with more twists and turns than a WRC rally stage, Uni Stallions blowing a 3 goal lead to finally end the game 5-4 victors over a Karori side that got better the longer the game went on.

With Wellington providing a perfect day for football and a ground which was in great nick considering the recent weather over the week( Karori park has a notoriety for turning into a duck pond after the lightest of showers) the scene was set for another Div 7 game of football and what a ding dong battle it ended up being.

Going into the game the truth had to be said we didn't want to be these guys first win of the season they had zero points on the board and we as a team knew we had to be up for a fight as they would be desperate to get some points to kick start their own season.

Karori kicked off and found the first 20 minutes pretty tough, the Stallions having most of the ball and most of it in the Aces half of the field.
Any time they tried too push out we stopped them in defense and as a team tried getting the ball moving really well around the park ,we put a ton of pressure on them and started to find a bit of space out wide before getting the ball into the middle,this resulted in us winning a corner out on the left hand side of the field

1st goal,
Gus stood up too take the corner and sent in a beautiful pin point accurate ball into the middle which found an unmarked and rising Ben Hodges who it has to be said is the target man in our corners due to the height advantage he enjoys and he does what he does best, heads the ball into the back of a crowded net making it look easy too put the Stallions up 1-0 after I'm picking 10 minutes.

2nd goal,
Kicking off the Aces looked to attack U.S through all areas down the flanks and through the middle with the Aces turning over possession the ball was pushed through the middle of the park finding Logan who loves to shoot when ever he can and a rifled shot found it's way under a diving keeper and the stallions up 2-0 with a little over 15 mins gone.

3rd goal,
Kicking off the Aces attacked our goal but they were held out by some pretty good defense they were quick up front but we managed to get on top of any balls they tried to put through the middle as they tried to send their strikers through on goal .

One such run had the Stallions defence stop their attack dead and with three quick passes from the back out wide and then into the path of Tristin we found ourselves up 3-0 Tristin's shot going over the top of the keeper and dipping brilliantly under the crossbar into the back of the net 20minutes gone 3-0

A lucky escape,
The Aces had begun to sort themselves out and managed to get a few decent balls into the box which caused a few flutters of the heart and gave them a corner kick or two, from one the ball came in and ricocheted right off my right shin and thankfully stopped by Ben Brooks whose reflexes saved me an own goal award the ball going out for another corner which we cleared (Phew)

Their 1st,
With the half winding down and the Aces beginning to find some space of their own to attack they eventually found their way into our box and a pretty good shot it has to be said was taken 8 yards out on our left hand flank going into the back of the net giving the Aces a lifeline going into the halftime break 3-1 42mins.

We talked about staying sharp at halftime, about not letting them get back into the game, would we be able to put that plan into action ?

It would seem not.

2nd half,

Their 2nd goal,
Kicking off the 2nd half the Stallions fell apart and the Aces piled on the pressure desperate to get something from this game they pushed forward at will,causing U.S all sorts of grief.Within two minutes of the second half starting the Stallions were opened up like a can of spaghetti and the Aces managed to thread the ball into the box and their striker was able to dab the ball into the back of the net 3-2 Wakey wakey Stallions 47minutes gone

Their 3rd,
We we're stunned W.T.F was going on was the cry, come on guys another, but before we knew it we were all tied up 3-3 the Aces making an attacking foray into our box and with too much time their striker was able to rifle a shot into the back of the net and we were even stevens 3-3 and again W.T.F was going on was the cry 49minutes.

Our 4th,
There was no way we were going to drop points here, not today, not after we'd been up 3-0 but to win meant to battle hard and grind it out both teams looking to grab the winner, somehow.
It was actually a Goal keeper error that gifted U.S our 4th goal the keeper spilling the ball from a cross ?? shot ?? something anyway we were back on top 4-3 55minutes gone this is great stuff

Their 4th,
You wouldn't read about it, well you are but you know what I mean, they scored a corner and the resulting cross was right into Brooks hands the ball being slippery from the wet surface meant the ball slipped through his hands and into the goal so we were back even at 4-4 60 minutes gone

This field was turning out to be a keepers nightmare, the game previous to ours had two similar incidents as well, so maybe there is a keeper curse on karori park #2, cue twilight zone music.

The game went on up and down and up and down and up and down and we made a few chances they made a few chances but both teams began to tire a bit so space was opening up all over the show.

Our 5th,
As we pushed forward a series of passes again found their way to Tristin who saw the keeper was off his line and from 35 yards chipped the ball over his head into the back of the net, up there as goal of the season and we had taken a priceless and late 5-4 lead with 10 minutes or so left to play.

There was no let up from the aces as they looked to try to get at least a point from the match but We held strong with a great team spirit and performance,the midfield and attackers helping the defence to clear the ball from danger as the attacks continued to come from the Aces
and then they did well to apply pressure also getting forward on goal although it's worth noting we didn't have one single corner the entire 2nd half
the game would eventually end with the Stallions 5-4 victors an epic encounter to say the least

Stallions: Ben B,Mike,Jason,Corey,Joe,Graham,Nick W,Ben H,Aaron,Rauru,Logan,Tristin,Panda,Spencer

Goals : Ben H,Logan,Tristin,Oggie,Tristin

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Tips from Abroad

Firstly, I would like to thank the University Stallions for their ongoing financial support of my research into the state of football throughout India and Thailand. Thanks especially to Rauru, who secretly hiked the team's subs so as to provide me with a travel slush fund.

My only report on Indian football is that there isn't any. Hamish (my nephew - Cricketing Stallions know him) and I purchased a soccer ball in Varanasi, and all the locals crowded around it, asking us what on earth had happened to our cricket ball for it to swell up so bad. We told them we had dropped it in the Ganges (probably the most septic river on Earth). It seems the Indians only care for cricket. I spoke to one Indian man (genuine ethnographic research of course, not a casual convo over a bottle of Kingfisher) and he summed it up like this: Indians are lazy and weak, but skillful. Cricket only requires skill. Hockey requires practice, for which Indians are too lazy. Football requires strength, for which Indians are too weak.

Mish and I had one kick-around on the beach in Goa, hoping the locals would join in. They laughed at us, so we booted the ball off the train on the way to Mumbai. The construction workers that caught it immediately ran to get a bat and stumps.

Thailand, where I am currently researching, is a different story. They play a game like volleyball, but they use their feet, legs and head instead of their arms and hands. I kept asking one man what the game he was playing was called. He didn't quite understand me, and he told me his own name every time. So I'm not sure what the game's called, but I can affirm with great confidence that the man's name was Wang. The game is played with a light woven ball (traditionally made of bamboo, but plastic nowadays), and their control of it is out of this world. Bicycle kicks are the staple, and usually pulled off with unbelievable accuracy. Mish and I watched a full game between some old men. If the Stallions arrived to a game to find opposition this old, there would be grins all round. Ben Hodges would predict his own hat-trick, Aaron would beg to play striker and Graham would dispute claims of genetic inferiority. Hang on - these things happen every game. All the same, confidence levels would first soar, then plummet as these old grandads gave us a schooling.

I have included some random footage of one of the games that was being played in Pai, a village a few hours out of Chiang Mai in Northern Thailand. After this game, Mish and I were invited to join in. I haven't included footage of that.

Friday, May 1, 2009

A Magpie, a Stallion and an Ace go into the bar ...

From the YF Div 7 forum, a magpie previews tomorrow's battle between the Stallions and the Aces:

'As for the Aces, they have some good players, but don't look to me like they've played together or a long time. Think you can dominate them physically, especially in the middle of the park, but they have a bit of pace up front if you let them get in behind your midfield. Their keeper was excellent against us. Stallions quite comfortably IMO.'

And an Ace replies:

'Cheers for the inter-club support there El Grap Tongue Of our team this year, only 4 of them where here last year, so still learning.....and having been promoted 3 divs this season, we're finding the jump difficult. But we'll adapt soon enough, just going to be a hard climb off the bottom.

Stallions this week could provide a lift for us, and then hopefully take something from it for the Magpies rematch next week. Fingers crossed'