Thursday, May 21, 2009

Goal celebrations

With a bit of talk lately about goal celebrations, I thought it time to bring up some discussion on it.

Aaron claimed that he had been working on his 'ride-my-stallion-into-the-sunset-while-shooting-a-six-shooter' and we would get to see it many times this season. After his match winning goal on Saturday, I think he was so shocked to see the ball in the back of the net that he forgot all about his celebration and instead went for the 'possum-in-the-head-lights' celebration which he last tried to pass off as a 'I'm-Eric-Cantona-and-do-this-all-the-time' celebration. You fooled no one Aaron.

So without further ado, here is a video on how celebrations should (and sometimes should not) be done. 1:38 is my personal favourite.

It was also brought up at the fine session that the next person who scores a goal needs to do the 'Stallion-into-the-sunset-with-the-six-shooter' celebration. I had a bit of a think about it and think that instead of saying the next person who scores needs to do it (which is probably a little unrealistic) we should say that the first person who does it and makes it cool, should get a $5-10 credit. I know, I know, this is hugely controversial as we don't ever reward, but this could be an exception.

The person who scores will have to pick their moment carefully. The key is on making it cool. This celebration after a goal like Aaron's would have been cool. It was the last couple of moments, the scores were tied, it was the match winner and lots of people came to congratulate him. Riding away on his Stallion shooting a gun would have been cool (especially if everyone chased him and fell over after they get shot). Joe's goal that I heard about from either last season or the season before also would have been good. Doing it after a break-away with a one on one with the keeper with no-one else around, or Ben's 'chip' against Elite would not.

I say make it cool, get the credit. Make it shameful, get the pony and a massive fine. Thoughts?


005 said...

Wow - most talked about Stallion's goal EVER.

Yep, nice one Rauru - there are some goodies there. I agree, celebrations are to be encouraged, but have to be timed correctly. So all for this system. And i don't think the next scorer should need to pull out my patented celebration.

As the video shows team celebrations are the best. I'm willing to put the goal scorer riding the stallion into the sunset shooting other players who fall down into the team collection - to be pulled out only on special occasions (at the captain's discretion?). If we all know it may be coming we can be prepared. or can we come up with other inclusive, Stallion-themed celebrations?

Or perhaps we should work on moves to actually score from. You clowns can't rely on me to win matches every week!

And for me, while there were many classics in that video the final one was the best - solemn, formal handshakes with other players.

Rauru said...

Your such a fricken cricket player. I bet that's Greg's favourite celebration as well. And Scott's.

005 said...

Ouch, that hurts - probably because its just a little bit true.

BeShakey said...

Rather than that, what about if we had a prize at our end of year for the best celebration (as voted by the team). Prize could be taking something off fines, or something else.