Monday, May 11, 2009

Auditing of the Stallions Accounts

The Stallions accountant has had his first look at our accounts.


Gus $26.50
Paddy $12.50
Nick W $12.00
Aaron $15.50
Graham $17.50
Tangi $16.00 (paid $20)
Ben B $22.50
Tristan $19.50
Hodges $17.00
Spencer $20.00
Corey $21.00
Jason $21.00
Joe $25.50
Panda $17.50
Rauru $24.50
Mike B $19.50 (paid $7.50)
Llloyd $1.50
Jamie $2.50

While our accountant was generally happy with the accounts he asked that the team be made aware of one glaring issue that he requested be dealt with immediately. It seems that not only is Hodges not the most fined player, there are only four players that have fewer fines. Our accountant has asked that this be remedied prior to the next auditing of the books.

He also suggested that it might be wise for people to start making a few down payments on their debts. Remember, the accountant knows people who know people, and some of the people that the people he knows know are scary people.


Rauru said...

For the grand total of $312. Good start to things. How bout we say a compulsory $5 pay-in this weekend huh? Nobody wants a whole lot of fees oweing at the end.

purely belter said...

Who got Pony and Stallion this week ?? Rauru stallion for his goal ??

Rauru said...

Yea, I got the Stallion for the goal (although I didn't actually get the Stallion. Fine for Tristin for not bringing it surely?!) and Joe got the Pony for his throw-ins and the bicycle-kick-defensive-clearance.

Where is the fine session review Ben?! Fine.

005 said...

Hell yeah - that's a big fine - as much as forgetting the headband or the pony - $5 ain't it Ben?