Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Ludlow Curse victims?

This is worth a bit of a read. Pretty lengthy but all good and pretty funny all the same.

It got me thinking, what are the funniest injuries to have hit the Stallions, and who are the victims of the Ludlow curse and how did they happen? I think Lachlan succumbed to the Ludlow curse when he bust his knee before the curse was even invented didn't he? Glen certainly did when he broke his arm at Anderson Park in either the first or second game of the 2003 season (his first season), with Ludlow braking his ankle(?) a couple of minutes after scoring a goal 5 minutes into season 2004 and then going on to curse the Stallions for ever more.

That was followed by myself in 2005 when I tapped the ball into the back of the Marist net after good work from Willy. I remember seeing the ball roll over the line from about 10 yards and the next thing a knew I was on the ground after one of the dirty Marist f**ckers took out my ankle, leaving me on the sideline for more than half the season with a broken ankle and tendon damage.

Jamie is obviously a double recipient, with Lloyd a co-recipient this year, but who else has fallen victim to the curse?

And how about funny injuries? Has anyone exploded egg on their face or tripped over their kid ala Kirk Broadfoot (see link) and David Kidwell (ironic surname for that injury!). Paddy's hamstring after trying to emulate Hodges is up there and fine worthy. Any others?


Ben Hodges said...

Rauru also v Marist

005 said...

I especially feel for those who get injured during a celebration. Nice post - some funny shit. I think you have all of the victims. Jamie definitely the funniest. Though i do seem to remember Glen hitting on the ambulance driver as she scraped him off Anderson park.

Ben Hodges said...

Oh sorry i thought Aaron posted this

Rauru said...

You mean there was no curse in the 2007 season? Maybe the reason for the double strike this season? Surely with all these injuries I hear about for Corey some of them must have been funny. Or are they all just sad, old man broken down ready for the knackers stories?

purely belter said...

umm see if i can rattle off a few

against stop out I went to clear the ball with my head and their strikers foot copped me right above the left eye (there's a photo on here somewhere) which drew heaps of blood the funny bit was me coming back on with tape around my head an blood still dripping none of the opposition would touch me .

my first game i played i collided with another dude and wasted my knee 10 minutes into the season.
still, i played on that was not long after being told of the "ludlow curse"

there are a few more but there probably in the "old man out to pasture" file