Tuesday, April 28, 2009

A Great Pony Moment

I don't want to steal your thunder Ben, but somethings need more elaboration thatn your little oneliners. And this has the potential to be one of the greats.

The Stallions have very few moves. Generally we just rely on passing it to Aaron, watch him beat 6 players and then slot it top left. But there is one move of desperation invented by Rauru (clearly based on his time walking Kahu) that gets turned to every once and a while - especially when we are under the hammer. Off the kick-off Rauru will boot the ball deep into the corner and Hodges will run like crazy to pressure the right back. It often works. I have no issue with the move.

But cue last Saturday's game, the start of the second half, Stallions up 1-0. Rauru makes the suggestion lets try that Hodges thing (even though Hodges is not there). Paddy puts his hand up for the task, and changes position to pull off the move, and clearly there is a little bit of 'I'm going to show Hodges how its done' at play.

It all goes well, the right back under pressure from the charging Paddy puts it out and we get an attacking throw. No one seems to notice Paddy putting his hand up for a sub, limping off with a potentially torn hamstring, and out for an estimated 4 weeks. Nice one. Stallions struggle with 1 sub for the rest of the game, and will miss Paddy's umm 'dynamic' presence over the next few weeks.

Paddy, you are no Hodges, but you make a fine pony.

Besides, there were no other pony moments.

Photo: Ususal suspects Paddy, Ben, Aaron, Gus, Rauru and Mike hang out at Stallions Central. Paddy is pulled along in the little cart.


BeShakey said...

I still don't quite understand how you managed to convince us it was worse than your two misses. I suspect it may have involved hypnotism.

005 said...

The first round perhaps ...

Rauru said...

And not taking away from Nick's game at all, but has a Stallion ever been given to a player who missed an open goal? I suspect it was that same sneaky Aaron who was playing down the importance of missing a goal. Be interesting to see if Pony and Stallion would have gone the same way had we lost or drawn...

005 said...

Ohh boo hoo, if this is all true then I should be the Stallion for being a f**king genius evil mastermind, and you should all be ponies for being gullible little crybabies. Sadly, i give you all more credit than that (well, most of you).