Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The Magic of Hypnosis

I'm not quite sure how it happened, but Aaron managed to convince those at the fine session that his multiple misses weren't as bad as Paddy's valiant attempt to scorch up the sideline to receive a long pass from the kickoff. Sorry Paddy...

Pony - Paddy
Stallion - Nick W

MVP - 3 - Tangi
2 - Nick W
1 - Corey

Best fines:

Me - Generally being a wanker
Mike - Emo angry man
Gus - Team Goals:8, Gus Goals: 0
Gus - Nakedness
Gus - Scarling Llloyd's children with pasty nakedness

There was also a large fine for the person that pulled out the night before the game, and a bigger fine for the person that pulled out on the morning of the game.

MVP Points for the Season

Corey - 6
Paddy - 4
Nick W - 3
Tangi - 3
Joe - 3
Me - 2

So far no multiple recipients of the Pony or Stallion, although Paddy has one of each.

Lastly, remember that this weekend is the first of the month, so there are big fines for non-attendance at the fine session. In the increasingly likely situation that the game is cancelled, this will apply next week.


Rauru said...

In Graham's defence (if he is the one being fined for pulling out the night before the game) he only pulled out because we had 15 at that stage. He shouldn't be fined for it.

Anonymous said...