Monday, April 27, 2009

Old Enemies

4 Games into the new season, seems worth checking how some of the old div 7 teams are doing in other grades. A real mixture:

- Perhaps the Sealords were worthy winners last season since they are currently cleaning up Div 6 with 3 wins, a draw, and a most healthy goal diff.

- The young Olympic side seem to be continuing their improvement in the second half of last season including a mauling of us, and are 2nd in Div 8.

- Terrace are struggling in the same grade, only winning 1 of the 4 games, and, according to their match reports, have instigated trainings to set things right! Without their easybeats they can't find any points.

A couple of sad stories:
- Marist Inter promoted to Div 5 haven't even managed to scrape a draw.
- Poor Raiders - we heard they were struggling for players but they have gone from top of Div 6 last season to rank bottom now. Perhaps we should give them Gus back - he ain't getting any goals for us!

In comparison we are doing okay. Now that we have got rid of Paddy for a while I'm sure things will improve.

1 comment:

Rauru said...

Don't forget Petone Stewsmum. Don't know if the Stallions played them in the last couple of seasons but they have been a rival from way back. I'm pretty sure they were the first ever team the Stallions played.