Monday, April 6, 2009

A Message from your Friendly Fine Master

The first fine session of the season went fairly well under the new Aitofi-Brooks regime. For those that weren't there, a few new rules have been introduced, the two key ones are:
  • Following complaints from the strikers, missed shots are no longer fined, unless they are an embarrassment to the team (more on that later)
  • There is a maximum fine of $7.50 for people at the fine session. So if you have a crap game you should make an effort to be there.

Jason has the fine book for next week, but off the top of my head these were the best fines. Those that were there can add the ones I missed.

  • Hodges' missed goal brought shame upon everyone that has ever worn the green shirt.
  • Hodges was also fined for his Dad's comment 'He did well to get there'
  • Tangi tried to steal the captaincy from his brother
  • Corey got fined for scoring his first goal for the Stallions
  • Paddy got fined for promising his son they'd go to the pub and then not turning up
  • Hodges got fined for saying to his son 'Did you see Daddy's goal' and then realising that if his son paid attention he also saw Daddy's shameful miss
  • And to show that the finemasters aren't immune, I got slapped with a $5 fine for conceding a 'penalty'. For those that are wondering Lachlan now averages 2 penalties a game, and has only ever given one in our favour. Fortunately for him the referee can't be fined.

On the positive side Joe was the first stallion of the season and got to be the first person to drink from the Jug of Glory provided by the Bull & Bear. Joe also got the three MVP points, Corey got two and Nick W got one.

Lastly, from now on attendance for the first fine session of the month will be compulsory again, with big fines for not showing. That means the non-attenders should mark out May 2nd on their calendars.


Rauru said...

It has also been proposed that the first Saturday of the month fine session be held at someones place to make it a bit more family friendly. Gus has offered up his place (in Brooklyn) for May 2nd.

005 said...

Gus's house family friendly? Did you hear all of that talk about sex toys at the fine session?

purely belter said...

The family that plays together ...

Paddy said...

Well played Joe - very well deserved.

Would have gone to the pub however after hearing certain members weren't going to be there until 5.30pm because of the need to primp and preen themselves I decided to give it a miss.

The Bull and Bear's pretty family friendly isn't it at that time of day? My boy can't wait to ahve the promised plate of chips!

Ben Hodges said...

i was stretching for it and Patrick was under my feet...