Thursday, July 31, 2008

Saturday vs. Sealords @ McAlister, 2:30pm

Well, what odds on actually playing this weekend? Pretty long ones I'd say and who knows what the ground is going to be like if we are on. Bloody annoying if you ask me, all I want to do is play some dry weather football!
Incidentally this weekend should've been the last game of the season, and we've still got 4 games after it to make up. Has everyone seen Aaron's comment on the blog though? Sounds like results may be on the full first round and any make up games are unlikely. We are not down for a Sunday game next week which I thought was a possibility.

Anyway this week we've got the cocky Sealords at McAlister Park at 2:30pm. The wet ground certainly won't suit them so hopefully we can spoil their party. Get physical, dominate in the air and hoof it out of our half!

I can almost guarantee we'll basically play a 4-2-4 again this weekend, so our wingers need to play like wingers - up in the other half, don't worry about defence!

Paddy is the only one that is away this week, so we need 2 more to take a(nother!) week off please. I found the spreadsheet I was recording everyone's appearances on and bloody Hodges thought he could fly under the radar and not tell me he hasn't missed a game! So Hodges, I'm afraid it's you and me that are out unless anyone gets back to us with unavailability's. So don't go planning your weekend yet. I'll send you a text tomorrow to confirm.

Mike is on beers and if we do play we need to have a fine session after and also need you all to bring some money to pay off your fines. Get thinking about what we're gonna do with the dosh too, there must be plenty there!

I won't be going to KP so again, anyone that comes from that direction (North) please cruise past. Aaron and whoever else will be there waiting from about 1:40pm and I'll see you all at 2pm at McAlister (not our home game so that's good).


Oh Aaron, Tristin has been bugging me that the goal count on the blog is incorrect - he's up to 9 with his goal against the Magpies.


Ben Hodges said...

If you took away all the players that have missed games this season because of other committments or injuries rather than being available but being stood down you would have a very small list i suspect.

So your logic that you and i should miss out is maybe a bit flawed. I am being disadvantaged for putting concerns for my body and my relationship to one side for the sake of the stallions.

I am being penalised for being the embodiement of Stallions committment.

Maybe we could have an (un)lucky dip to see who misses out based on all players who have yet to miss a game due to excessive numbers?

So the people that decided going to a wedding, or a nice weekend getaway with the missus, or looking after a calf muscle, was more important than the Stallions, will potentially miss out along with poor old me who only ever put the stallions before body and domestic harmony.

If my name got called from such a draw, then i would take it like a man rather than like a bleating woss (as per now)

NIck for you organisation you should be excempt from the draw....

I have stood down twice this year by the way (business trip and sick), but each time the game has been cancelled in the end.

Oh shut up Ben.

energy24.7 said...

Yeah I hear ya, but the fact remains we are a social team so I try to get everyone value for money with their subs. It's often not their fault they are injured.

And I would love to be exempt, but I will leave that to the masses and see if anyone steps down.