Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Fines vs Petone

Fines and awards vs Petone:

Jamie - 1st game in the field for 20 years! A great return. A keeper no more.
3 - Mike B - 'these are my conditions' - so it proved.
2 - Spencer - Everywhere - huge game in the air.
1 - Gus - a goal of genius proportion and much more.

Pony - Sorry Ben H - it was generally agreed you were crap, and were responsible for the goal. Plus you had a pony moment - the little jig in the corner holding the ball up. Bad.

Best fines:
- Everybody who had less shots than Mike B!
- Gman - the anti Chuck Norris - 'i got a big throw and I ain't afraid to use it' - then why are your throws so floaty?
- Spencer - the first Stallion to wear skins.
- Spencer - wearing skins in the shower.
- Nick g - Literally throwing mud at opposition.
- Nick G - Hitting on Larissa's sister.
- Robin - the Don Clark fine - get over the ball son!
- Aaron - Claiming Tristin's goal (I'm telling you - it glanced my laces!).
- Gus - Eyeing up the naked, dreaded rugby player in the shower.
- Gus - The Glassons affair.
-Tristin - Shouldering Aaron away on the penalty spot.
- Tristin - So close but so far - the goal that wasn't.


Rauru said...

Holy s**t there's some big fines owed there! Aaron, better start calling in the debt collecters. Some people need to start chipping away at it me thinks (I'll pay my 5 cents when I get back).

005 said...

Its true - we might need a new Stallions roll - the debt collector! Or at least a talk about what we do with people whose fines have reached over say $60. We might have to take on a political roll and give them all a fine break.

Ben Hodges said...

Flicker! you've come home, oh you silly pony, i was so worried...

005 said...

Nice one Ben. I was a little harsh in describing the reasons for your award (it was the time-wasting jig really) - but as normal you have taken it in good spirit. I mean, we could not go through the whole season without Hodges getting the pony. But 'Flicker'- were did that come from!

005 said...

Oh yeah - G, just to let you know - your jump up the fine table can at least partially be explained through the 'credit' of $10 for coming last in the Euro08 pools.

Ben Hodges said...

a 50 cent fine to anyone who knows where "flicker" comes from...(myself excluded)

Anonymous said...

This is your referee speaking...I call full time on Nick G's fines and only 2 minutes added on. Some sound common sense from Rauru and 005 here about the fines situation. A need to look at the big picture re. fines, perhaps.

Anonymous said...

you should stop giving him yellow cards then.

Greevis said...

If we have an end of season award for 'least valuable player', I will win with no competition in sight.
I've never one the stallion over three seasons, and I'm yet to register a single MVP point since the system was introduced.

I've also successfully taken out the pony three times in the last two seasons, twice because apparantly "I've never had it before".

005 said...

I cna see the red rising in the face as that comment was written.