Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Where the f*ck is Tangihaere?

So where is the other Walker brother? You know the one that did all the actual organising and whatnot? A google search doesn’t return much ( He’s not on facebook – or if he is he has NO friends And his email address is bouncing when you send to the Stallions group email

I found a few photos but that doesn’t help much.
And he seems to have changed codes anyway...

What is he up to? When is he back? Why does he not comment on the blog? Does he care about the Stallions anymore? These are all some of life’s unanswered questions that would make the world a better place once understood.


005 said...

Ha, nice work - that photo threw me for a moment. Who cares where Tangihaere is - so overrated - Rauru is by far the superior Walker. And I've heard that he's always been able to beat up his weak older brother.

Rauru said...


005 said...

How about a Tangi appreciation thread?

Here's a couple of classics from the fine book:
- Kicked ball in own face
- Forgot balls
- Poor management skills
- Pussy whipped
- Brother's tiff
- Endorsing Joe
- Fat arse
- Grand vision, no skills
- Terrorist
- Constant lookalike fines
- Passing to Ben B - ah, the good old days
- Kicking ball into own face (again)
- Going into women's toilet

Now thats a good season.
- Lost headband

005 said...

And Nick, stop voting for me in the pony poll! The 2 options have evened up considerably over the last week - and how can a squad of 14 do 20 votes! At least 5 of those I have are from you!

energy24.7 said...

haha, it's actually a squad of 17, plus the expats...

Rauru said...

Except ex-pats have some decency and don't vote on polls they don't know about, unlike you who tries to sabotage polls.

Those are some funny fines for David Hill.

005 said...

the blog just had its first visit from Ireland. Come on Tangihaere, is that you? What have you got to say for yourself?

Ben Hodges said...

Did we ever get any visitors from China? A few of my contacts there were saying they were having trouble accessing the site....Could it be that our website is deemed a danger to the social cohesion of the Socialist People's Republic?
incendiary? us? There is a blog entry here somewhere

005 said...

Nah, Thailand is as far east as we get. New hits from Belgium and umm Christchurch today - the Stallions virus is spreading. Somehow lots of people are looking now - 50-60 visits a day this week which is nuts. Who are these people? Have other teams found out about the blog and are seeking out weaknesses? Or is it just ben at home logging in every 5 seconds to read about his last goal?