Saturday, May 17, 2008

Who would have thought?

After the excitement about my father's call to re-take the free kick - the defensive free kick from inside our penalty box which Nick(?) passed to Jason(?) who received the ball still within the penalty box- my father thought he had better take the advice of some players and go read the rule book...

He has subsequently requested that all interested parties should visit the FIFA website and particularly LAW 13: Free Kicks on page 43 of FIFA's "Laws of the Game"...

"...Position of Free Kick
Free Kick Inside the Penalty Area
Direct or indirect free kick to the defending team:
• all opponents are at least 9.15 m (10 yds) from the ball
• all opponents remain outside the penalty area until the ball is in
the ball is in play when it is kicked directly beyond the penalty
• a free kick awarded in the goal area is taken from any point inside
that area...

He suggested everyone that mocked or sniggered should either get fined or get fcked (I am paraphrasing slightly).


purely belter said...

fair enough,apologises be honest you do a pretty good job.

energy24.7 said...

wholey shit, you are fucken kidding me! Ah well fair enough, good on ya Steve! :)

005 said...

Nice work Steve. The Stallions promise never to dispute any of your calls again.

energy24.7 said...

I still can't believe this rule/law. Even if it is true, it is the stupidist fucken rule/law in the book.