Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Since we are talking a lot about keepers this week ...

Player Profile: Jamie

(06) –MVP Goalkeeper
(07) – DUDD Goalkeeper
(08) – Amped up Goalkeeper ready to take on the 08 like I ended 06 with nothing to stop me apart from Aarons final second kick at goal, I wasn’t going to give him the satisfaction of putting it past me, silly me and putting my body on the line yet again, Left right out, keeping the spare balls company when I can make it along to the games. On my return to Keeper if that position still exists for me (great job Brooks, you have stood up have been the perfect replacement for me) I will stay on the side line warming myself up until the Ref is about to blow his whistle, then I will take my spot on the field and not a moment sooner.

Stallion Hall of Fame:
Going from MVP in 06 to what should have been my Pony of the Season award in 07. I think that should be something to put into that hall of fame, usually you would kind of expect that the player may lose a bit of their touch but not to lose that much of it.

How many seasons as a Stallion?
This would have been my 3rd season and since I have fully paid my subs, I guess I can still take that 3rd season as being mine.

Are you a dual Stallion? If so what game are you best at?
No, footy is the only stallion version that I can commit too, I don’t dare run me wanting to play cricket past the wife. I cause enough grief going out and coming home drunk, and then snoring the house down, I don’t think doing that 2 seasons of the year would be the most sensible decision I could possibly make. Who knows I might just throw it in there and try for next summer, I feel like becoming a single man soon.

Greatest Stallion Moment?
Seeing all of us lined up, ready to start 08 in our brand new strip, it looked pretty impressive and felt good knowing we were about to launch into 08 as a brand spanking new team, god knows how they felt from that moment on, I don’t really know.

Worst Stallion Moment?
Let’s focus on the positives shall we, not my balls ups!!!! Mine would have to be 07 as keeper, I have never had such a rubbish season to the point I wanted to not worry about playing in 08, confidence was shot to hell after receiving MVP in 06

Describe your last goal for the Stallions.
How about I change this question because I only score goals for the other teams we play. ‘Describe the worst goal I have given to the our opponents’
Easy, it won’t leave my memory no matter how hard I try to drink myself silly, playing Petone, didn’t have my full body behind the ball, went through my hands, hit my foot and dribbled over the goal line, what a rank moment.

Complete the sentence - As a player I am susceptible to ...
Putting my body on the line to much and not really caring if I get hurt in the process, so long as the ball didn’t end up in the back of the net I am happy, sore but happy.
(Sorry Jamie, your picture does not work – Stallions imagine a broken player assisted by an old baldie with his fly down).
Good old Nurse Jules to the rescue, I have edited this picture and gave him the saved head look cause one of the hospital ladies that was doing my x-ray had a shaved head, with her there and the great drugs I was pumped with, it made going to the hospital in immense pain worthwhile.

Most under-rated Stallion?
The 2008 Bull & Bear Stallions were probably the most under-rated, I am sure people were looking at where we placed last year and thought they had it all good, and you all stood up and proved that a true Stallion will never back down no matter how badly the confidence was damaged the season prior.

Finish this sentence. The Stallions need more?
SUPPORTERS!!!! And guys like Steve who will take a tonne of slack from any team and still come back and put his hand up to Ref another potential verbal game.

Which international player are you most like?
I am not by any means a Chelsea supporter, but in 2006 Chelsea played Reading and Petr Cech was laid out after being caught by Stephen Hunt's knee, went to hospital, Cech with a depressed skull fracture. Perhaps goalkeepers' jerseys should carry a government health warning: "You wear this item at your own risk. Your personal safety cannot be guaranteed. Goalies sometimes need protecting from themselves, but yeah that someone who will put their body on the line no matter what the outcome is.

Where will the Stallions finish in 2008?
I want the Stallions to get promoted in 09, I will hopefully get to be a part of this successful Stallions team before the season finishes, but you know what, go for broke and take that bloody first spot, no position lower than 3rd should be acceptable considering the way you guys have done this season, your making me & the Bull & Bear proud.

Special Question: Do you forgive Aaron?
Yes, how can I remain angry at the greatest player to ever put on the green and yellow?

Picture: Jamie's new party trick.


energy24.7 said...

Haha, oh you poor bastard Jamie!!

Can't say I remember you being as bad last season as you make out!!

005 said...

Yeah, cheer up Jamie - you'll be blubbering like John Terry soon. You had a good season last year (especially if the Petone game is blotted from the memory). The next one promises to be better ...

And where are these pictures/videos at?

Nick G, are we going to have enough shirts this weekend? I just found specks of Corey's blood on mine from the last game. Icky.Perhaps other teams will fear me now that my shirt is blood stained. That is, until they see me try to run,pass or shoot.

Have we got the headband from G-Unit? I guess if it doesn't show both last weeks and this weeks ponies get heavily fined. And since you two were the most fined last weekend ...

energy24.7 said...

Hmm I'll follow some people up...

purely belter said...

stink sorry aaron i'll swap with you if you no longer want to wear that shirt ?

005 said...

Na, sweet as - carrying your blood stains might make me tackle harder and shoot straighter! 3 washes on, its all gone - besides I might just swap with Gus who dropped his shirt off to me tonight.

005 said...

At least it wasn't hep A Ben!