Wednesday, May 7, 2008

My favourite Hodges moment...

Not getting the playstaion for Christmas was hard on young Ronnie.

Twas the season of 2006. Uni Stallions playing some unlucky team, with Ben Hodges' dad in charge with the whistle in hand.

Ben made a driving run into the box before being brought down, ball and all in a clinical tackle by one of their defenders. Ben manages to pick himself up off the ground, look at his dad with eyes that screamed 'hug me!' and cried "OH DAD!!"

Touching stuff.


005 said...

Ha ha - nice post rauru - and a perfect image to accompany.

Thats true - an important point to remember during Hodges appreciation week - without ben there would be no Steve, which would have meant a lot more refing for everyone over the last few seasons.

All hail the Hodges!

Ben Hodges said...

And here is the paradox. You wouldn't have to put up with me if it wasn't for my father's procreaqtive powers

005 said...

So you are saying that you are handing over your 2007 Stallion of the Year to Steve. Well deserved I say.