Friday, May 9, 2008

Player Profile: Joe 'just 1 more week and I'll be able to play again' F

Anywhere really – I think I must be the only Stallion who has graduated from the backs through the midfield to playing upfront and then to back to midfield. Versatility or something else?

Stallion Hall of Fame:
Not yet

How many seasons as a Stallion?
This is my 3rd

Are you a dual Stallion? If so what game are you best at?
Played 1 season with the cricketers and now serve as an unreliable ring in. Best at football I would say

Greatest Stallion Moment?
Beating the Indians a couple of weeks ago stands out – a hard fought, warts and all victory. Other than that, our wind swept final victory over Brooklyn a couple of seasons ago.

Worst Stallion Moment?
Personally, getting injured this season and being confined to the sidelines.

Describe your last goal for the Stallions.
My dying seconds goal against the Indians in the last game of last season. Slyly dispossessed one player, beat another couple then coolly dispatched it into the top left hand corner to level it at 3-3 and stave off relegation! (ok, I’m embellishing just a tad).

Complete the sentence - As a player I am susceptible to ...
Outbursts of emotion apparently (although I am approaching my game more calmly of late ;p)

Most under-rated Stallion?
Jason – a formidable workhorse

Finish this sentence. The Stallions need more?

Which international player is most like you?
Zinedine Zidane of course – flawed but brilliant

Where will the Stallions finish in 2008?
A top 3 finish is looking more than possible

1 comment:

energy24.7 said...

Interesting and very to the point Joe. Not sure I agree with Jase being under rated and a work horse, more of a skyving centre back that has to charge back when he's out of position!
You keen to come back to the backs then seeing as you've started the drift back again?
And yip, could definitely see you head butting a sniping little shite of a centre back if needed...