Monday, May 19, 2008


Picture: Corey after putting his head on the line.

It was one of those good games - a good win and plenty of fines to keep the tally rolling.

$3 for all of you who missed the mandatory session - but at least you didn't have to stand outside the locked clubrooms for half an hour before heading to the B&B. Big ups to Corey who showed up after having a bleeding head, a huge black eye (with related headache), and working both before and after the game.

On with the findings:

Stallion - can there be any doubt? Who would have believed Ben would have won the coveted Stallion twice already this season!
Pony - Can there be any doubt? Nick G had absolute shocker - from showing up late and hungover, forgetting his boots, to playing like crap, not to mention the 5 terrible goal kicks straight to strikers feet, to blaming his reserve boots etc etc - not a good day out. Best moment - after 4 shit goalkicks asking for 'just 1 more' - the worst one of the lot. For that 1 game Ben was easily the best Stallion, Nick G the worst - poetic justice for all that abuse Ben has taken from Nick. A record $11 in fines for Nick.

3 - Ben - nuff said.
2 - Jason - Picked up that Nick was umm below par and took over the main central D role - didn't even roam upfield seeking that goal!
1 - Tristin - 2 more goals, hard to argue.

Best fines:
Paddy - star returns to team after a 3 week absence, team turns to shit. Not a cut above ...
Paddy - spending most of the game on his arse.
Corey - the bleeding like a stuck pig fine.
Graham off a throw - 'Who wants head?'
Graham - Yelling to Rob that the ball was for him, when Rob was off the field.
Robin - the loudest 'nutsed' call yet - all good - except that it was obviously done by accident, off a cross/shot. In this case it was more embarrassing to be doing the nutsed than being nutsed.
Robin - then apologising to the player he nutsed, saying that he would get fined if he didn't yell it.
Aaron - warned by Steve for kicking the ball away after being penalised for elbow to back.
Ben H - that stupid celebration: 'My right foot, my right foot - I scored off my right foot!'
Logan - $5 - No showing a game to be part of the 48 hour film fest - you got off lightly.
Mike B - Another ankle breaker, and penalised for double knees to back (see below)

And saving the best for last ... Ben H - 'I can't take any throw-ins today - I might spread my Hep A!'

Fines/awards tally below ...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hep a is no laughing matter!