Thursday, May 29, 2008

The Electronic Vote vs Elite

Warning - this is going to be a long post ...


And your democratically voted mvps are:
3: Robin (combined 14 points)
2: Nick G (10 points)
1: Mike B (6 points)

Honourable mentions to Panda and Tristin (if they had voted and given each other points this line up would be very different).

As for pony and stallion - I have nominations - look to the poll to your right. You have until Saturday morning to vote. Now (this is especially for you Nick) lets be honest here - 1 vote per poll per person.

I will run through the candidates now - although it should be stressed almost everybody struggled for nominations - a pretty meh game all round. I have dropped off some of the nominations that have no chance of being supported - ie the 2 people who nominated themselves for pony because 'I played like shit'. And for the pony all references to the second goal - since Nick G, Paddy, Jason & Corey were all blamed - the f**ken butler did it!

Stallion Candidates:
- Nick G - Big game at the back, 'he saved our bacon a few times'.
- Paddy - Another dominating game in the midfield. Kept the team together.
- Mike B - A huge game in defence (well, most said an excellent first half, a rather more shady second!). The nomination though is really for standing up and being big on D after taking so much crap coming into the team.
- Panda - Came on and sparked team to life, always in game.

Pony Candidates (some of these names may be familiar):
- Ben B - A fall from grace, from 'legend' double stallion back to Ben B 2005.
- Paddy - General whining, aggro, fighting and a shocking Butchard-like tackle, followed by a cowering away when they guy got up ready to fight.
- Nick G - Last week hangover - not wearing hand-earned headband, continuing to screw up goal kicks.
-Tristin - Forgetting the post-match beers.


A long list here. Heres how this will work - I'm listing all nominated fines. These can be disputed in the comment box. If not successfully defended all these fines stand. Unless stated otherwise, all of these fines are 50c.

Ben B:
- Fall from grace - playing (at times) like it was 2005 again (Jamie cracks a little smile somewhere).
- Screwing up coming out to take the cross. Just lucky that someone (Corey?) was there to put pressure on the striker that prevented him scoring.
- Crap goal kicks.
- Fumble in the box.

Ben H:
- Bad role model - swearing in front of his own kids.
- Transforming into wild beast by the zoo fine - Partner: 'I haven't heard him talk like that before'.
- No shot striker - or no shots worth remembering ($1).
- Central mids giving too much space.
- Trying to claim that the 'good striker' mentioned in the other teams match report was him, not Tristin.
- The loudest 'Nutsed' call ever made (ever beat out Robin's the week before!).
- Nutsed 2 minutes after nutsing someone ($1).

- Feather-brained - general mental slowness in getting into the right
- Two kind-of strikes - one was really prospecting from way outside the box
when we were scrambling at the end, the other was a limp header straight to
the goalie. ($2 - 2 missed shots).
- Not calling nutsed - nutsed fear after last game.
- Having got over his fear of zoo animals from last time in Melrose.

- Center-mids giving too much space.
- Missed shot ($1).
- Dr Phil fine - spending valuable game time analysing relationship between Ben and his partner.
- Must harden-up/get more involved.

- Graham emulation fine - calling "Rob" when he kicked the ball, and
completely fluffing it, the ball going in the complete wrong direction.
- Not calling nutsed.
- Multiple Angry man/ref abuse ($2).
- Missed shot ($1).
- Centre-mids giving too much space.
- Shocking Butchard-like tackle ($1).
- ALMOST gave Nick the perfect pass when completely free and through, but it got intercepted. Unlucky but he admitted it wasn't good enough so that's a fine.
- Responsibility for final goal.
- Telling Ben to turn with the ball only for me to turn straight in to a storming opposition player.

- Think he was behind his man when the last goal was scored, though
that was a bloody well-timed strike.
- Kicked ball into opposition's hand.
- Horrid collision in box, opposition limps off.

- Not the running man. Claimed he was incapable of running when told to jog up to half way with the defensive line.
- Missed shot ($1).
- Self claimed 'general shit'.
- Giving too much space.
- Left marker, who scored the goal ($1).

Nick G:
- Continued goalkick shockers ($1).
- Angry man/ref abuse ($1).
- No headband ($5).
- Extra special crap goal kick that flies out, followed by ('Where is everyone! - who wants that ball!'). Finemaster special - double that - Nick joked about fining the whole team for this incident ($1).
- Giving man too much space.

Mike B:
- Floating like a butterfly, stinging like a bee - floating throwins, ankle smashing tackles. (That's 2 fines me thinks - $1).
- A lack of any ball playing skills.

- Forgetting post-match beers. What's this worth? The same as forgetting the headband/pony? ($5?)
- Texting twice on game day - to find out both where and when we were playing ($1).
- The 'Not Willy' low workrate fine.
- No self fining.

- Striker positioned in the defensive line.
- The smiling assassin.
- No self fining.
- No strikes, or nothing recalled ($1).

Right, I'm sure there are some errors/problems with this. Whatever. Can I go to work now?


energy24.7 said...

Nice work Aaron, looks good. Another good week for me - $8.50, again I am going hard to be the fine leader!
Why did no one say something about the headband? I had it with me just genuinely forgot to put it on!
This just serves as good reason why we need to do the fine session after the game.
PS. vote me for Stallion ;)

Paddy said...

Yep - Goodall for Stallion deffo.

Can't believe I was nominated when I had a bit of a 'mare. Although could understand if the nomination was for the terrible tackle as someone had to give a bit back at some stage...

Diificult to cower away after the tackle when the guy was actually on top of me with his hands around my throat! It may have sped up the process of me apologising though...

I'd like to add a fine for Ben H for the truly awful back heel he attempted in the first half which gave away the cball and led to a dangerous attack.

Top work Aaron - the Nat Lib is getting full value for money!

Ben Hodges said...

I would argue i was not so much a bad role model as a non role model as my children and wife, although present after years of pleading, barely regarded the (or my) game and then dissappeared for a coffee with the meercats.... the fine stands but i think the distinction needs to be made.

- No shot striker - or no shots worth remembering ($1).

I actually only spend 15-20 minutes as striker i think, perhaps this fine could be decimalised?! As a midfielder and with a defender right on me i did manage to ping a shot about 50 centremetres over the bar in the second half. I remember it does no one else? Help me guys i am unemployed!

- Central mids giving too much space.
I take issue with this fine. I didn't have much of an attacking game maybe but i think my defensive game was one of my better ones this year. I worked hard with my head in the midfield and made last man tackles out wide and in the middle of the pitch. I hotly contest this one.

- Trying to claim that the 'good striker' mentioned in the other teams match report was him, not Tristin...
Perhaps we should ask for clarification from Elite before fines are handed out?

- The loudest 'Nutsed' call ever made (even beat out Robin's the week before!).
- Nutsed 2 minutes after nutsing someone ($1)

For interest sake i was the victim of a double nuts in fact - that is to say the guy nutsed me and one of his own players who was standing a full metre behind me in the same play(does that cancel out my nuts?... I called "nuts...double nuts".... No?)

Ben Hodges said...

Patrick, A completely fair claim for a fine. But too late, I think. Aaron imposed a yesterday lunch time deadline for nominations and fines and you shouldn't mess with his orrr---thorritay.

energy24.7 said...

Possibly fair enough regarding the too much space in midfield dispute Hodges. You were a tower in the air, especially on corners. I just felt that when they were advancing they seemed to have a bit of time coming through the middle so I proposed a blanket fine for central midfield.
Happy to let it go if others agree...

Anonymous said...

Just realised no-one pinged Robin for the uniform fine - should be one for all! And Ben, if fines can be disputed they can also be added to after posting. Finemaster's discretion - and I remember the horrid backheel well - a fully deserved fine. i think there could also be a follow up fine for both you and paddy giggling and talking about it straight after it happened while the game was still going on. Paddy was taking the piss, you were running through a string of potential defenses ... if only you did that in the game.