Friday, May 2, 2008

All Hail ....

Now I realise I don't need a player profile since this whole blog is 1 big one. But for the integrity of the historical record, and to generate some pre-game friday afternoon blog action here goes.

Nick - since you love pictures do much I have left a space for you to pop one in. You can get a recent photo from

Aaron L

UTILITY GAWD-DAMN IT! Currently enjoying precious time in midfield (Nick W – a word of advice - stay in Athens and take up goat farming. There’s only a cold, hard spot on the sideline awaiting you at Stallions HQ!).

Stallion Hall of Fame:
The People’s Stallion
Fine master extraordinaire
Brought Ben H into the Stallions, 2002
End of season bowling champion, 2007
10= most handsome stallion 2004, as voted by Jen
Leading pony wrangler, 2008
Longest player profile, 2008

How many seasons as a Stallion?
Since however long the cricket Stallions have been here, with a couple of seasons awol here and there doing this and that. Only ever one moment away from breaking down and never playing again - an omen for tomorrow? – bring it ye cruel gods of fate.

Are you a dual Stallion? If so what game are you best at?
Now only available for cameo appearances for the cricket team, where its all about making the highlights package and not fielding. Its fair to say I’ve scored a few more runs than goals, even considered on a comparative basis. Now after retiring from cricket this is not likely to change.
* Cricket Stallion Greg says: Aaron 'The Crab' - the Crab is the man most likely to still be shuffling across his crease to pull a full ball through mid-wicket after the nuclear apocalypse comes...a man totally devoid of any decency, aesthetic appreciation or technique, he should therefore thrive in the Beautiful Game, where his mouth will no doubt be his greatest (and only) weapon...

Greatest Stallion Moment?
Is it too soon to say injuring Jamie first game 2008? Okay then, eons ago, Stallions firmly bottom of the table vs league leaders North Wellington. Stallions show up with no subs, and a still drunk Glen – who amazingly manages to curl in a free kick for an early lead. As the game progresses, I was one of many stallions who got injured and, with no subs available, we all got pushed to the back. This was like the return of the living dead – 4 limping, crying, screaming freaks shuffling their way up and down the field. But we held them out for a tough fought and rare win. Class.

Worst Stallion Moment?
You would think injuring Jamie, first game of 2008 wouldn’t you? Nah, that tragic game of 2007 vs United Arms, where I spent 70 mins comprehensively shutting down their striker who kept going on about how many goals he had scored. One lapse of concentration and chop in the box later, its penalty time and the Stallions lose 1-0. I didn’t see the normal love for Aaron in the eyes of the Stallions that afternoon – especially from a furious Jamie. Nice Patrick was the only one who consoled me, apart from the United Arms players – they were very sympathetic and have erected a small statue in my honour. The rumour that the chop was an act of protest against being forced to man-mark all game has little substance.

Describe your last goal for the Stallions.
Funny you should ask, it was mere days ago. Rather than hark on about the insane amounts of skill, pace and vision that led to the goal, I prefer to celebrate it as a drought-breaker, or even a floodgate-opener.

Complete the sentence - As a player I am susceptible to ...
Talking up a better game than I can deliver. And getting nutsed, chopping opponents and giving away penalties – often all within 2 seconds of each other.

Most under-rated Stallion?
I know he can’t score goals and runs like a chicken, but every team needs a workhorse – and we couldn’t do without Nick W.

Finish this sentence. The Stallions need more?
Fans chanting my name from the sidelines – I’m sure it will spur on more acts of brilliance. And people to drive us license-less, non-car owning Stallions to the games. I know showing up to that game with 7 in the car was environmentally sound, but that was crazy. I have never felt so close to Robin and Ben. Hows that groin injury going?

Which international player are you most like?
The ugly sisters of the Stallions (you know who you are – with your combined 08 goal tally of 0!) would say Reuben Thorne, but I’m definitely more Christian Cage – the cocky heel.

Where will the Stallions finish in 2008? Well away from the familiar smelling relegation zone – top 3 4sure, 4sure.

Next up: Spencer and Joe


energy24.7 said...

Couldn't do without Nick W? I think the last 3 games may beg to differ!
An enjoyable read Aaron, but unfortunately that link is not fit to open at work. Thanks for thinking of me though

Anonymous said...

brought hodges into the team - fine!

Anonymous said...

like I said, I should stay away more often. Aaron thanks for your kind thoughts. Happy to be remembered a workhorse among stallions. I look forward to returning to a place on the sideline as you suggest. Got to have someone there to collect all those passes Goodall slices out for a throw...