Sunday, May 18, 2008

'An absolute legend'

Check out someone from Stop Out giving their perspective of yesterday's game on the YF forum. Of particular note is the glowing praise of Ben B as 'an absolute legend'. If only they knew the full story ...

Those awol stallions must think we are totally taking the piss. Ben B, 3 clean sheets, and yesterday an array of magnificent saves. Personal favourite the come out, collecting and controlling the ball in one hand (Robin put in well - like Bowie in Labyrinth). But there were also power shots directly at him, saves made in the air, along the ground, and the other one where his big mit swiped at a ball mere cms away from the goal line. Brilliant effort Ben, Anyway, enough from me, here's Stop Out:

'Thanks G.
Was a hard fought game with you boys and thought the scoreline was a bit rough on us although full credit to the team that takes their chances! Your keeper is an absolute legend I must say, is he like that every week or was that a oneoff??? A couple of his saves were Gordon Banks like, not to mention the time he came flying out for a cross he was never entitled to take and casually stuck one arm out under pressure and somehow the ball stuck!
Was a game played in good spirit though and look forward to playing you guys out in the hutt later in the season.
Glad to see the Sealords dropped points Clap looks like Marist are getting away at the top so could be a scrap for 2nd for the rest of us.........
PS . Whats with the state of nairnville park? Absolute bog despite hardly any rain throughout the week'

Ben doesn't even know who Gordon Banks is.

Let me put this out there - was this the best goalkeeping effort seen in a Stallions shirt? What do you say Jamie?


Rauru said...

I have to say that after checking the results on Saturday morning, I was shocked (in a good way) that yet another clean sheet (and 3 goals) was registered. But "An absolute legend"?! Really?! Is this the same Ben Brooks that was awarded a man of the match award in the opposition team? Is this the same Ben Brooks that has managed (possibly on more than one occation) to deviate the course of the ball into his own net? The preformance is being talked about as the greatest in a Stallions keepers jersey, but could this transformation possibly be the greatest Stallion story of all? Will Peter Jackson be buying the rights to this story at the end of the season? So many questions. Aaron, create a poll!! And good shit Ben, keep it up.

Paddy said...

Ben was freakin' outstanding on Saturday and kept us in the game in the first half. In my limited Stallions' experience it was the best keeping display I've seen.

I agree with Rauru about the transformation. Surely this would be ripe for a "celebrity makeover" style show?

Anonymous said...

Well, how do I reply after the last couple of comments. Ben, you played a hell of a game. Maybe Ben's move from the backline to Goalkeeper has strengthen the team defensively. Brooks stepped up on game 1 and proved himself to be the best replacement anyone could have hoped for.
I will now be looking forward to playing out in the field in 2-3 weeks. Looks like next season we may have to have some sort of challenge to see whether or not I can possible retain my keeping spot on the team. Saturdays game was outstanding and Brooks gave it everything. As keeper I have played some great games before but Ben outplayed any game I have ever played in.
Watching the game from the sideline gives you such a different look on how you guys are playing, not only is Ben filling the keeper position well, but the rest of the team are ensuring that Ben isn't left stranded very often.
Keep up the great work Stallions!

005 said...

Na, lets face it - its been a great effort - but when a fully fit Jamie is back and ready to go bye bye Ben.

How about this for a theory - the reason we have had clean sheets and conceded so few goals is that Ben B has gone from central defence! Ben the keeper has never had to line up behind Ben the defender! Now this theory is not mine - it was passed on in jest and in confidence - but if that stallion wants to own that idea please speak up. Its a good one ...

energy24.7 said...

haha, you cheeky shite Aaron, I'm sure it was you who actually mentioned it, i was just the sounding board.

Or maybe not ;)

BeShakey said...

I'm pretty confident that a game featuring a team full of Bens would be very low scoring.

005 said...

Yep, 0-0, after 13 weeks nonstop play.

BeShakey said...

I think you are the only one to rate my fitness so highly.

In reality I think everyone realises that the defence has made a huge step up, and that in the past the keeper would have had to make two or three times as many saves per game as I now do.