Monday, July 1, 2013

Return of the blog posts

Some will say Aaron is just reinstating this after finally getting on the score sheet (you hear that Panda - yeah screw you and your stupid little pointy goal celebration), and they would at least partially be correct - but the real truth is after 4 of us were sitting around bullshitting after a great victory it was decided we got to pick up our off field/virtual activity again. With no match reports there is less general taking the piss, without the mvp points there is less discussion about who deserves recognition, without awarding the pony there is no pink head band, without all of this the legacy of this team stops - its damn good to be able to look back and see that in this corresponding game in 2008 (!) we first spotted Logan playing for the Raiders, and he got chopped good. It was also Tristin's first game for the Stallions, a sweeper we heard. This is our history!

So Rauru and I are going to try to reconstruct the last 4 games or so we haven't taken any stats from. But lets start by getting this game correctly accounted for, and a match report from the pony - which just so happens to be JOE!!!! Not only did he concede the pen, but more importantly broke Graham's clean sheet record. Personally I was gunning for Tangihaere, but that's mainly because he yells at me.

Pony: Joe - chop chop on the match report Joe (like what I did there?)
Stallion: Did we decide on a Stallion moment? Nominations? I would go for Lloyd finally getting his goal, calmly finishing off a beautiful 1-2.

Goals (help/correct me here):
1. Carrick (Aaron)
2. Carrick (Aaron)
3. Rauru (their crap keeper - or 'the f**king retard' as their captain yelled at him.
4. Lachlan (assist?)
5. Gerald (assist?)
6. Lloyd (Carrick)
7. Aaron (their shit defender?)

MVPs: Partial recall on this: Carrick, Aaron, Lloyd?

Rauru, any news on the Raiders facebook page?

Some good heard on the sidelines to come ...


Paddy said...

Lachlan's assist was from Tom. I'd almost give Gerald's assist to their 'keeper as he just let the cross float in! I can help with the stas for the last few games. Against Wolves, Heath scored 1 and Ivan got 2. I assisted Heath, Lloyd assisted Ivan's 1st, I didn't see the 3rd goal though.

In terms of MVPs for this (Raiders) game it's pretty hard to pick. I thought Gerald was fantastic, Aaron 2 assists and a goal, and (say it quietly) it was great to have Tim back. Everyone was solid though - possibly our best team performance this year?

Paddy said...

Oh yeah Stallion moment - Rauru's dummy/stepover which started the amazig move where Lloyd missed at the far post was up there.

Someone (Gus or Aaron?) made a sensational block of a volley from half clared corner too.

Rauru said...

Gerald's assist was mine and I'm claiming it god damn it. You could almost say that Tom deserves the assist for mine for the pressure he put on the keeper but technically there's no assist.

Our LB/RB and LM/RM dominated theirs which I reckon is where the game was won. Raiders are strong in the middle but Lloyd, Aaron and whoever else played there never let up an once the ball shifted to the wing it was all over.

Carrick had some great finishes up front and got into position well giving him a chance at a few more. So good to be creating chances again after a few weeks of not.

MVP could be put in a hat really.

Stallion - Aaron for finally getting on the score sheet (could have been Lloyd but he managed to miss 2 before he finally buried it!)

Pony - Looking forward to Joe's blog. An unfortunate tangle of the legs to give up Graham's clean sheet.