Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Heard on the Sidelines #3627 - #3629

This post is gonna be a "Guess who?" edition. Who said what? Post answers in the comments section (and for all you newbies, you don't need an account, anyone can reply)

#1 - "The racism that comes mainly from the sidelines is just terrible but FIFA and NZF are unwilling to do anything about it" 
A comment made to a Radio NZ reporter after the loss to Olympic. Ah, say what now!? 

#2 - "That's the first header I've scored since July 22nd 1997 in that game against United" 
Wow. Must have been a memorable header.

#3 - "Let's just put the last 5 minutes behind us and move on"
"Well if you'd #%@&*# listen to what I %^@#*@ said then #^%*(&# %*&^# %$(*^#^@ alright?!?!"
Nothing like a good bit of in-fighting.

#4 - "Gus, get back in the $^#*@^ goal"
To be fair this could have been anyone.


tshanley14 said...

3 - Tangi vs Tim?

005 said...

I reckon #4 is Gus's embarassed Father - wasn't he there? Wait a minute, was Gus in goal?

#3 clearly Tangihaere and Tim. The odd couple, batman and Robin, Starsky and Hutch - whatever way you want to look at them.

#1 Glory hound Rauru - were you talking about greeks exposing themselves on the field kind of racism?

#2 Judging by the fact that I've never seen paddy score a header, he has to be #2.

Lets up the crazy comments this weekend.

Paddy said...

Yep I was number 2 - except it was (me to Lloyd) "That's the first header I've scored since you set me up against St Peters on our Aussie tour in 1992".....21 Years!!

I missed the whole Tangi v Tim fight to the death. All me and Rauru witnessed was Heath wanting to play up front so he could get further away from them!

Rauru said...

Oh I forgot that one!
"Hey Paddy and Rauru, can one of you two swap with Tangi or Tim? We need to separate them"

heath said...

Pffft. The real story:

heath: "Would either of you two like to give someone else a go up front now that you've both scored?"

rauru: "what, and play in central defence? thats for losers. look what its done to tangi and tim."

paddy: "like hell - i'm going for my hat-trick."


Unknown said...

While articulated differently in that second half T and I had a difference of opinion. Effectively he wanted to man mark and I wanted to cover the left flank as a sweeper. Sweeping made sense to me given the conditions and with Graham v the fast bloke. Then it became about who ran the backline. Someone has to call the shots as overrides cause chaos. My natural instinct is the say what I'm doing or what I want. If thats not a goer so be it. The notion of making changes because a couple of words said in the heat of the moment is as silly as the situation was. Decide how you want to play and make a call. Then you can let it go. I'm not saying who was right or wrong here but if you still think separation makes sense then I can stand down.

Rauru said...

Haha, it's all good Tim! This is most successful centre back pairing we've ever had. 12 goals conceded is proof of that. Nothing like a bit of passion to ensure people are kept on their toes. Big game tomorrow lads. Let's get the job done.