Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Goodall doing himself proud.....

So I received an email from a certain balding, ex-Stallion midfield "dynamo" now resident on the Kapiti Coast.  It went something like this....

"In other news Goodall was playing in the game next to my one against our first team…. He saw me warming up nearby our first team and he thought I was playing for them so yelled out “Jesus they’re scraping the bottom of the barrel aren’t they?”

At some point in that game he was sent off and they lost 4-3… from the resulting penalty perhaps. So …
In the clubrooms he asked me not to pass on the fact he’d been red carded to the stallions. Of course it was my duty to, but upon trying to discovered that I have been removed as an administrator on the unistallions blog …the final insult!"

Made my day!!!!


005 said...

Ha, in the end he could not resist, and tweeted us about his first red card ever. I think he was pretty stoked by it. Means we might have an additional spectator next week.

What I took from this sad story is that ben is still playing. I reckon next time we have a bye/midweek game or something we all go and watch him from the sidelines. It would be hilarious.

energy24.7 said...

Haha yeah thanks Hodges.
For what it's worth the peno was saved and the score was 4-3 when I was given my marching orders. Dodgy Kapiti refs I tells ya!

Panda said...

Oh boy Goodalls always been an angry little man on the field surely he's had more than 1 red card...must be a typo. Anyway I've sat out my 5 week suspension for showing up to the pub late after the first Marist game after "having a feed" with another unnamed Stallion...hint(check the blog names) In fact I have also moved up to the Kapiti Coast in the thriving Maori metropolis of Otaki. So that Marist game will be the last time I wear the Stallion shirt. Aaron will be all smiles especially after scoring on the weekend, good on ya mate, you know the only reason I give you shit is because you can handle it and dish it out. So my proposal is that maybe we start up a Stallions exiles team up the Coast here and play "the Stallions" in a preseason or postseason match with bbq and beers after...its only a fun game Joe no chopping!

005 said...

Stallions exiles - Panda and Hodges - pretty formidable.

Didn't know about the move Panda, Otaki - wow, best of luck. You sure will be missed here, and you will definitely put on the green and gold another time ...

No more panda jokes for me.

energy24.7 said...

Ha you don't get red carded for being angry at your team mates Panda that's why I've survived until now!