Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Heard on the sidelines #4183, #4184 & 4185

Raiders midfield as Tangihaere steps up to deliver a goal kick: 'step back, he' s got a big punt', 'Yeah, I know' - cue Tangihaere to totally scuff the kick and it skids along to their striker.

Logan, after arguing with Corey: 'My dad's a referee!'.

'F**king Retard' - Raider's skipper yells at the goalie after Rauru's open goal.


Rauru said...

Open goal?! Sure, as open as any strike from 45 yards *cough cough* can be I guess.

Gustona said...

I agree, and that second never-heard on the sidelines is made up. Perhaps to make up the numbers, allowing the open goal 95yard,(yes from behind Graham) remark some company

T said...

you're forgetting Rauru's "its their good keeper" comment

purely belter said...

No, I said it Gus. Aaron heard you complain in the second half and that was my reply to him on your behalf. ;-)

Rauru said...

Haha, to be fair I said that they had said in a past blog post that they had someone good in goal and I assumed it was him cause he looked young and not overweight! Kinda like the time a couple of years back I said that we needed to watch out for their striker cause he was slim and African! Racial profiling much?! Here's part of the Raiders report after a 2-1 win over Miramar:

"Hard to single anyone out for individual praise, but Chris Durno is a rock at the back who blunts the opposition attacks, time and again. Joe had a top game in goal, with couple of big saves in conditions not made for goalies. He's proving a huge acquisition for the Raiders - you can't win games without someone standing between those sticks who knows what they're doing."

I'm gonna assume Chris and Joe weren't playing on Saturday!

Rauru said...

And like the time in our first couple of seasons where we played an 'old' team (sigh, the days when we were considered young) and we said we'd run them off the park in the second half. We struggled to make it to full time and they were taking the piss!

005 said...

Nah, bullshit. Every word heard on the sideline here is true.