Saturday, May 28, 2011

The Dirty Dozen - Fantasy points vs Brooklyn

Big hauls for Paddy and Dan, a pair of 12s - would have been much more for Dan if he were a defender! Lots of points, something like this (as usual all subject to Aaron's maths):

Paul 2 (+60), 1 (3+saves), 6 (cleansheet) 9
Tangihaere 2 (+60), 6 (cleansheet) 8
Jason 2 (+60), 6 (cleansheet), 2 bps 10
Corey 2 (+60), 6 (cleansheet) 8
Dan 2 (+60), 2 ( mfcleansheet), 5 (mf goal), 3 bps 12
Spencr 2 (+60), 6 (cleansheet) 8
Graham 2 (+60), 2 (mf cleansheet) 4
Aaron 2 (+60), 2 (mf cleansheet) 4
Lloyd 2 (+60), 2 (mf cleansheet), 1 bp 5
Paddy 2 (+60), 4 ( goal), 6 (2 assists) 12
Robin 2 (+60), 2 (mf cleansheet) 4
Rauru 1 (-60) 1
Tristin 2 (+60), 4 ( goal) 6

As per Logan's request, here is the running total (good to do this after a big team haul, fleshes out those scores a bit:

Paddy 42
Dan 37
Paul 33
Aaron 31
Rauru 31
Tangihaere 30
Robin 28
Jason 26
Corey 25
Logan 22
Lloyd 20
Nick 17
Tristin 17
Graham 15
Spencer 13
Joe 12
Jamie 5

In some ways its a cruel game - Joe has happened to missed 2 games when we have had clean sheets, Lloyd is suffering from the midfield problem - no mater how hard you work, unless you score goals you ain't going to get much, all just a bit of fun (mainly for Paddy and Dan I guess!).


Rauru said...

Good to see Paul and the defenders up there this year though. Getting clean sheets certainly helps even up the fantasy table (and helps gets W's as well)

Anonymous said...

Joe 'happens' to miss 2 clean sheets?