Thursday, May 12, 2011

Are we Tottenham in disguise?

With our lack of goal scoring prowess, highlighted by the fact that the team's mighty top goal scorer is first equal with own goals, and only one of those goals has been from open play, I thought that perhaps we are the Tottenham of Div 6 (besides the link between Spurs and horses). While people like Lachlan and Tristin (to name the two I know of) might be pleased with this, consider this:

Pavlyuchenko = 8 goals
Defoe = 4 goals
Crouch = 4 goals


Berbatov = 21 goals
Tevez = 19 goals
van Persie = 16 goals

When there are three individual players (none of which have played anywhere near a full season either) who have scored the same or more goals then your whole front row, you know you have a problem.

That problem is going to be addressed this weekend at the Fortress. Watch out Miramar.


Rauru said...

Corey, feel free to insert "I should be striker" right

purely belter said...

I've retired that joke Rauru,I figured there's more chance "the Situation" gets asked back for a comedy roast than I'll have of playing up front.So I'm happy to play out my days as a roaming left back. :)

Spurs play one up front most games though don't they i think they only have 3 recognised Strikers,but about 55 Midfielder's to choose from,well 13 actually(But look how many descent players are out on loan at the moment,Still he buys more and doesn't play them). How good though have Bale,Van Der Vaart & Modric been this season all love to attack the goal.

I know it's only Everton But I think our top scorer is a midfielder as well Maybe Cahill ??

Rauru said...

VdV - 12, Bale - 7, Lennon - 3, Modric and 3 others - 2.

I also heard a crazy stat that if you took only the points that teams scored against teams in the bottom 3 (or bottom 4 if you are one of the teams in the bottom 3), then Spurs would be 18th. That's why they are where they are - can't finish off the little boys.

Yep, Everton's front line is pretty poor too (Saha and Beckford with 7 each, Cahill with 9) but then Everton dont honestly try and get into Europe whereas Spurs do (did) ;)

005 said...

Hell yeah we are like Spurs - brilliant, but faultering. Rather accept that and move on, unlike fans of a certain red team (look at the great end of the season, next year we will win the title!), and (everyone likes a tryer) blue teams.

Odd that the both of you are so good with the stats when you are both big, big losers in epl fantasy.


R said...

What the hell is this?! A new name? What happened to 005? Didn't realise you were a fan of that loser team. You kept that pretty quiet (with good reason).

005 said...

Yeah, Joe took my shirt in hope of scoring goals, but just got injured. I get to reclaim it now.

Long-terms spurs supporter, we have talked often about it, but most of the time you seem to be drunk or pulling albatrosses.

purely belter said...

You do realise Harry has a way of sending clubs broke look at Portsmouth and West ham

I gave up on Fantasy league after missing a couple of rounds gets too hard to claw your way back

God I hope Stoke Stuff Man Citeh this weekend in the F.A Cup.
Oh and if Rovers could do the unthinkable beat United and make them wait a week to claim the premiership that would be nice also - Please and Thank you

005 said...

Don't know where all the other comments went, just one to make today - hows team redshite doing?

Rauru said...

Keep smiling there little man, still a week to go and Tottenham are crap against crap teams. We're not too worried about Europa League - Liverpool are a big club with huge history that people want to play for. Spurs have small-man syndrome that need Europe (in whatever form it takes) in order to get players. Without the cash from Europe there'll be no decent signings for Spurs over the summer and they will slip to midtable next season.