Saturday, May 14, 2011

And who the hell is screwing around with our best of/worst of polls?

35 votes for a squad of 17?

I blame Logan, not only is he the only person in the world who would think its funny, I reckon it could be an attempt to undermine the credibility of the polls thus not making him the umm best of in the shit stakes. And we know he has access to many, many computers!


Gustona said...

That is quite funny Aaron, as I was in the middle of a vote tampering post for the blog last night when our internet lost the whole lot and I gave up. I don't suppose someone has had a word in your ear about it? Hmmmm......

005 said...

Ha, and what are you inferring?

Yeah, blog went bung for a while, I tried to post those fantasy points about 10 times, don't know what happened.

Sorry to interrupt you from your tampering session ...

Gustona said...

I think you left the word "post" off your last comment, but it's ok, we know what you mean. We lost the internet here on and off for about three hours last night. Anyway, my post went something like this: "voting irregularities alleged" and had a photo of George and Jeb Bush, hugging and smiling. It went on to say that for a team that had only 10 players last week, where did all the other votes come from?

Rauru said...

Gus was the one that pointed it out to me...

purely belter said...

We have an addition to Worst miss of the season
Aaron can now be added to the voting tally ;)

005 said...

That better be a wink Corey. All that could have been done was done - slid to get to the ball, shot was on target and hit well enough, but a f**king eager defender cleared from the line. I was all ready to drop the elbow on the sprawled keeper in homage to Macho Man.

Happy to add if you say, but I've sure missed worse this season.

purely belter said...

Really from where I was it looked like it needed a bit more weet-bix behind it and the goal was completely open but whatever not going to make a song and dance over it

Rauru said...

Yea, I think from most people's view it looked much (much) worse then from Aaron's view. Funny how that happens with missed shots...

005 said...

Well, you had the best view, so happy to throw it up. Better also put up my miss against the Accies too - it was about 10 times worse - at least this was one was on target and blocked.

As you say, they all look different from the misser's perspective! Right expert chipper?

Gustona said...

The standard has been set I'm afraid Aaron. My side foot miss was also a decent attempt on target but blocked by scrambled defense. The less said about the hand ball the better - definitely deserves to be up there...