Sunday, August 2, 2009

U.S 2 v 3 Stokes Valley Delaney pk #2 01.08.09 2.30pm

Five minutes of poor play by the Stallions late in the 2nd half saw Stokes Valley edge out a fiery and spiteful game 3-2 in the final div 7 game of the regular season.

1st half

We kicked off but they had U.S camped in our own half for the early periods of the game, we defended really well while they were struggling to get their act together, the pressure was all on them, they needed a win to claim the div 7 title so we wanted to make it as hard as possible for them, we began to find our feet moving the ball relatively well around the park and after absorbing the pressure we were the first to get points on the board.

1st goal

We were awarded a corner (that's about all we'd get awarded by the ref all day)
Rauru took it from the left hand side of goal, I was standing in front of the keeper on the line blocking his view as was one of the Stokes Valley defenders, Rauru curls the ball in and I leap up to try to nod the ball into the goal it goes just over my head and Rauru's ball curls beautifully into the back of the right hand corner the keeper never saw it, a tremendous goal and put the Stallions up to a shock 1-0 lead after 10mins

That meant more pressure for Valley and the were letting it get to them,they were getting forward really well but our full backs notably Graham who was having a Stallion like performance and butch combined with the wide midfielder's of Joe and Spencer were doing really well at forcing them out wide and into silly mistakes.

2nd goal

We got another corner same side taken again by Rauru, same set up I was on the keeper, as Rauru sends the ball in the keeper shoves me out of his way I'm pushed to just outside the 6 yard box the ball from memory was parried out and my dipping head nodded the ball back between a couple of Valley players and the goalie into the net giving U.S a 2-0 lead 15mins gone

We made a few changes after that goal with rolling subs it allowed Robin to come into the game for his first start of the season and Tangi to make his first appearance since the Elite game some weeks earlier.

Their 1st
Valley were desperate to get back into the game and after some pressure on U.S they were awarded a couple of corners, one the ball was delivered into our box and cleared out well although not so well as it was picked up by a valley player out on the right hand side of goal and from about 25 yards rifled a ball at lightening speed just over my head and through the hands of a dispairng Ben Brooks to get the valley back in the game with a great goal and plenty of time to go 2-1 30mins

The rest of the half as did most of it really would carry on with both sides trying to play neat football ,although they really do have some whinging mo fo's that #16 skins and gloves wearing nob end, man I had great fun dishing back the verbal abuse on that moaning git and his mate #9
they turned up thinking they'd won the game already, cocks.
I'm not taking an angry man either, I was just giving it back both barrels, that shut him up almost every time, then he tried it on with a few more of U.S Panda was probably the last person you'd want to take on.

Anyway halftime 2-1, we were still in this.

2nd Half

They kicked off and we spent the first 15 -20 minutes on the front foot, we got forward well we were defending strong plus we put pressure on them and they were putting a bit of pressure on themselves,we were awarded a couple of corners and were unlucky not to nick a goal here and there but we just couldn't break them down.

We began to drop away a bit the last 25 minutes and a silly errors or options caused U.S to gift the game back to Stokes Valley

Their 2nd

They had made a foray down our left flank, Gus was playing left back and I missed the crucial moment, but, he tried to take the Valley player on 5 yards off the goal line 5 yards in from touch the Valley player gets the ball puts it into the box and it goes past a diving Ben Brooks to an unmarked played who stuffs it into the net 2-2 70mins

really poor goal to give to say the least but heads up were still in this game

Their 3rd

See it happened so quickly, again we were put under some pressure, Panda had the ball at the top of our 18 yard box and was forced back to try to get the ball away but he couldn't get a clean hoof on it the ball pin balled around a bit then a Valley player latched onto it and sent them into the lead 3-2 75 minutes gone

The Stallions beginning to fall apart at the back.

The game would carry on and began to get more feisty and verbal as the valley side tried to hold on while we tried to get an equaliser their #16 was at it again with his mouth so more verbals were had between him, me and Jason who waded into the argument late on in the game.

With 10 or so minutes still to go and U.S now piling on the pressure to get an equaliser, we pushed forward and won a corner, Jason went up from defence to try to help out and was so unlucky, the ball ended up at his feet and his shot had a bit too much on it going well over the bar.

Retreating back Jason and their #16 had a few words which looked to be quite pleasant until the Valley player got upset at having Jason through his shoulder around him and rub his head with his hand (you know the father and son type head rub) the Valley player tried to take a swing along with another player as I held the two of them back the rest of the teams came together and to diffuse the situation and make it impossible for U.S to draw the game the Valley ref blew the final whistle with some 5-10 minutes still remaining.
We were shafted from that perspective but I knew we were going to have a tough day of it, they would do anything to win that game at any cost.

Stokes Valley winning 3-2 and claiming the div 7 title at the same time

See you in the cup.

Stallions : Ben Brooks,Mike,Jason,Corey,Graham,Spencer,Ben Hodges,Gus,Joe,Tristin,Rauru
Subs: Robin,Tangi,Panda

Goals : Rauru 10mins,Corey 15mins
Valley 30mins,70mins,75mins


Ben Hodges said...

Crickey a bit harsh i think this time Corey. There was niggle for sure but we have played in far woese games than this ...the previous Stokes Valley game for one!

I am not sure how creative they were with their timekeeping, but i felt most of the time the game was played in pretty good spirit.

Anyways as you say we can make it 2-1 to us in the mini tournament.

When one of their supporters was taking an eternity to get the ball back at one point I told one of the Stokes Valley players "I've heard it be said that people in Stokes Valley are slow but i didn't realise they meant this literally" he didn't get my joke.

purely belter said...

Which bit did you find harsh ?
I didn't play in the 1st game so can't compare the two

005 said...

Good stuff Stallions, sounds like a great effort against a good side. Can't believe Corey stole another goal, and Jason - any blows you got in on that guy would be heartily endorsed by everyone in Div 7.

Great to see we get anther shot at them and the magpies in the cup. Thats a dream draw ...

Rauru said...

Mate, freaken stoked we get the Valley again (pun not intended). Can we please just start a fight? I'm not usually an agro kinda guy but I was thinking how we could have started a fight State of Origin styles and have come up with a plan. From a throw in, have a few of our boys standing round that tosser that plays up front (or the tossers in midfield, or the ones on the back) throw the ball straight to him and just smash him. I'm getting all excited just thinking about it.

I'd love to drop a shoulder into the cock (I think #10) in midfield that I had a few words with. Bring on round 3.

Hairy said...

I think we played Ok in the weekend we just lost our shape late in the game, be better for it this weekend, be good to see Lloyd and Paddy back? you guys in, I think we can win this Cup, about time we got some silver ware.

Rauru said...

Thought I'd chuck my fines votes on here so people dont get the mass pileup of emails:

Me, Corey, Jason, Tristin (and probably a lot more) - Angry man. Especially love Tristin saying to the ref "If you dont do something, I will" and the ref saying "You do what you gotta do". Did you do it Tris?

Everyone else - Not getting angry. If that game didn't get you fired up, nothing will.

Ben B - Not reacting to the first goal till after the ball had hit the net. A bullet of a shot it most definitely was, but there could have been some sort of glove on it.

Gus - 2nd goal. $5. Pony. Nuff said.

Panda (and there were others) - 3rd goal. Standing around looking at the ball all too scared to touch it.

Walker brothers - Lovers tiff during game. Make it at least $1 too cause it was a doosy.

Rauru - Not being hard enough and not winning enough ball up front.

Tangihaere - Not walking the walk up front after talking the talk.

Tristin - Reuben Thorne.

Mike - Return of the Shank.

Jason - Got the defenders curse of being scared to kick the ball when in the box near the end of the game.

Hodges - Missing a great chance at putting us up 3-0 when he missed the ball completely after I put the little cross through to him. The goalkeeper and 6m of net were the only things in front of him.

I'm sure there were others in there but that's exhausted me.

Stallion - Some one in the D line in the first half. Would probably have to go Graham. While they had great attacking forays into our half there were never any decent scoring chances because of the pressure the fullbacks put on them when crossing the ball.

Pony - already spoken for.

MVP - Mike, Graham, Spencer, Joe and Rob probably in no particular order - 1 point each for their tough work all day in chasing down and hustling some good SV players. Thats 5 points so I'll throw one to Jason as well for doing his best to start a fight. Mad. Not really the way it works I know but it's 6 points allocated and noone stood out above anyone else. Pretty good team game and still gutted not to have come away with at least a point.

Ben Hodges said...

Rauru i did get a shot off your cross (and it would have gone in)but it was brillantly blocked by the African defender doing a sliding tackle (shame we didn't have the same ref as out at Whitby it would've been a penalty!). I can't accept a fine for that, unless you want to fine me for being the recipient of the only good thing the African player did all game (apart from rark you up).

If you had crossed the ball to me 2 seconds earlier rather than run another three yards the dude wouldn't have got near me and i would have shot with more power too, as i was having to stop myself overrunning.

A fine for you in fact if i could be so bold.

StevieG said...

Someone should take the Graeme Henry fine for Gus playing in D and Tangi playing up front in the second half...Rauru?!

Apologies for losing my rag, again...

005 said...

So how many fights for the fights tally? Have got 1 for jason - any others?

005 said...

And ben, as the innovator of fines/points etc I insist you must ignore rauru's radical suggestion of points for everyone. Shitting all over our traditions as much as he does fluent forward play. Mind you we ain't fined for about 5 weeks so our traditions are pretty much screwed anyway. We got to hook up this week - 1st of the month and all.

Ben Hodges said...

i agree with Aaron the only alternative to the normal allocation of points is no points allocation at all. That's my pick nobody for points. Not that we necessarily all had shockers, just that no one really stood out....except Gus for Pony for his pullback magic on our own goalline.

Rauru said...

Yea, I was gonna suggest no points but was trying to look at the positives I guess!

And your events on the 'blocked shot' are not how I remember it at all. The way I remember it I got put through on goal, had a shot blocked by a sliding defender/stuffed my shot, I slid over in the process, the ball didnt really go anywhere, I stood up, slipped a pin point pass to you, who either totally missed/got a Hodges shank on it. But I'll accept your version of things (except me running another 3 yards) ...if someone else can vouch for ya.

energy24.7 said...

Who the hell put Gus at Left back? That's what I want to know!

005 said...

A self-imposed shift - after not scoring any goals. So now poor Gus has been tried up front, in midfield, and in the backs. Where can he be hidden next - goalie? That hattrick on debut must seem a long time ago!

Just kidding Gus - I know you are still hurting from the weekend ...

In other news, Sunday at your house Gus to watch the Nix away game? Nick?

Ben Hodges said...

Maybe we're talking about different moments in the game. I'm talking about the first half

Rauru said...

We're talking about the same moment, just different memories of it I think ;).

Gus is the ultimate utility player. Used everywhere, successful everywhere (even if his goal scoring stats or pony on the weekend dont suggest it!)

And I'm keen for a taste of Nix action - see what I'd be getting if I went to some home games.

Happy to host as well but keen for whatever.

Anonymous said...

Who was supposed to wear the headband on the weekend?

I have a sneaking suspicion that 'someone' forgot to wear it until half time of a recent game. What is the fine for that??

And Rauru, I think you'll find that a $5 fine is for a penalty, and not for being dispossessed in the 18yard box. As shameful as losing it in such a prone position is, it cannot be the same as hacking a poor defenseless striker down in the same place.


Rauru said...

Hmmm, Jason I think was given the pony against Marist for the missed penalty wasnt it?

And it was pretty widely accepted (at least on the sideline at the time) that being 'dispossessed' in the circumstances that it occurred is probably worse than hacking a striker down for the following reasons - 1) At least Ben has a chance of saving a penalty. 2) At least there is a chance the striker will miss. 3) At least you can vent at the ref for making a s**t call. $5.

005 said...

Loving it - its only Tuesday and we have 18 comments on this - Stallions are well fired up for the cup!

StevieG said...

should we practice our penalties before the game...?

Rauru said...

Giving them away or taking them?

T said...

I'll take the fine for being unfit and twinging a hamstring - though not walking the walk is a little unfair. There were a few crosses, beating of men and lots of jogging going on - just not enough.

Rauru said...

Which exactly what walking the walk means! If you're admitting it wasn't enough, then you didn't do what you were telling others to do. A 'do as I say not as I do' style eh?