Tuesday, August 18, 2009

U.S 2 v 0 Wgtn Elite Nairnville pk 15th August 2.30pm

Two goals in the 2nd half were enough for The Stallions to take 3 points in the 2nd round of the "cup" series

The 1st half was pretty even throughout each side having chances i think we had the better of it though judging by the amount of corners we claimed and pressure we applied and how well we were defensively shutting them down early and not giving them room to shoot.

A nasty head clash between Ben Hodges and an elite player who came off worse for wear caused the half to come to a premature end the lost time to be made up in the 2nd half, the elite player was taken off to hospital for observation via an ambulance.

The 2nd half
It took 2mins and 7 seconds into the second half for the Stallions to take the lead Aaron drilling a ball into the net from within the 18 yard box to the amazement of the elite side and the ecstasy of the Stallions. 1-0 (47.07mins)

Elite were their own worst enemies for the 2nd they were caught offside about 20 yards into our half and the resulting free kick by Tangi ? went up the field bounced between the two central defenders for elite who then let Rauru run after it unchallenged for the easiest of tap ins giving U.S a 2-0 lead and left the elite defenders abusing me for their useless defending claiming Rauru was offside nobs 2-0 67minutes

They had their chances the best coming from a penalty they received after Tangi brought down their striker in front of goal the resulting penalty hit the left hand post at speed and cannoned out into the right hand side of the field where we cleared

after 52 mins of play in the 2nd half the game was over the Stallions victorious and Elite wondering about what might have been a top effort from everyone who played and it was great to see Nick White there supporting U.S along although he must be fined for not bringing his boots and calling a sub.

Stallions : Ben Brooks,Mike,Tangi,Corey,Graham,Aaron,Ben Hodges,Lloyd,Spencer,Rauru,Gus
Subs : Jason,Robin,Dan

Goals : Aaron 48min Rauru 67mins

This week Stokes Valley @ Delaney #1 2.30pm


005 said...

nice one corey, cheers. about a million times more accurate than theres!

Nick said...

I'll take the fine... Guilty as charged

Hairy said...

what has hapened to the Myth Panda? I have not heard from him, has he gone bush? He has been known to do so in the past. I hear No Jason and No Corey this weekend is Paddy back? we need ya for Stokes Paddy !