Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Fines vs Elite

Now, I'm not doing this cause I was in the points for a change, but with both finemasters piking on Saturday I had to step back into the role, have the book on me, and think that ben's been pretty crap in terms of posting fines - such a good way to have a chuckle at ourselves. Was a good night too - great to have Robin back and firing up at the fine session. Its fair to say perhaps a couple of drinks too many were imbibed. When we reconvened for the nix game the following day there was not too much interest in drinking ...

Anyways, a good win for the Stallions. It went a little like this:

Stallion - Aaron
Pony - Spencer - Family arrive just in time to see a monumental shank roll over the sideline, and have a good old family laugh at crap daddy. This including finger pointing and possibly tears (of embarrassment?).

3- Aaron
2 - Rauru
1 - Gus

Best fines:
Ben B - Ben throws short ball to Mike - never should that combination of names and words be uttered again.
Jason - Got sat on.
Jason - stepping up to take a free kick with the steely gaze - 'I do this all the time'-like. Umm last time we saw that face was before THAT penalty!Politely told that his services were not required.
Mike - The return of the Butch - a few very dodgy early moments.
Ben H - glorious defensive header - off one of our attacking corners.
Lloyd - Meh, played well - but didn't live up to marquee status.
Aaron - 'is it 6 minutes yet - I won't get fined if I sub now'.
Aaron - Shit celebration after talking it up all season.
Robin - the sell out uniform fine - yes, those who were not there - Robin played in sports shorts (admittedly pretty long ones).
Robin - Not quite the old Rob (perhaps you should have worn the old shorts).
Gus - Upsetting the marquee player.
Gus - Playing with shirt around shoulders - cue much hilarity and 'nudie man' from Spencer's kids.
Robin - the whitest knees ever seen on a football field.

Nice work


Rauru said...

Nice work. A good night for sure, and as I always say, it's never a bad night when you're spinning the wheel at Arizona!

Robino said...

Yeah, I reckon spin the wheel should be a regular after-game thing.