Tuesday, August 25, 2009

pick the pony 1

And come on, if you got any of these old team photographs send them through ...


StevieG said...

Lister, front row second from right?

005 said...

Shocking call - he's not too pretty! Try again.

Anonymous said...

Gus, back row, far right?


005 said...

Going for the ginger huh - good strategy - but wrong - a bit like tackling your own player!

purely belter said...

I was going to say Aaron front row right at the end and Rauru back row in the middle behind the keepers maybe

Anonymous said...

Ah I say Corey has it in Rauru back centre
LOL Aaron yes, you're right I saw a Ginga and just had to tackle him out of principle...or... perhaps poaching ? mmmm I wonder ;p


Butch said...

Gus, front, second from left...?

005 said...

I'm surprised that with that ace blue-stone wash strip there are no Brett Michaels's wannabe hair/stubble combos.

Anonymous said...

Corey, back row, 2nd from the right.

Anonymous said...

Paddy -front left


Rauru said...

Look at those white knees! Surely it's Rob, front row far left?!

purely belter said...

"Corey, back row, 2nd from the right."

Was it the mummies boy haircut that gave it away ;)

005 said...

Well Corey, at first I thought he meant back row, second from left. That would have been funny. But your cover has been blown - Corey is our young pony - back row, second from umm right.

That was fun. Sad how if was all the freaks in the photo who were identified as potential stallions.

purely belter said...

Mana united afc could never have afforded such a classy strip like that

Rauru said...

That's exactly who that strip is Corey - Mana reps, mid 90's.

purely belter said...

Really!!! wow, I'd moved on by then and was playing for Aotea that strip must've been one of the last they merged with pvu in the early 90's didn't they to make western suburbs ?

So that's you back row behind the keepers ??

Rauru said...

Yea, that's me behind the keepers, well picked.

This is the rep team, not the club team. Yea, Wests had formed by the mid 90's. Tangihaere played for Aotea college for a bit (didnt go there though). Had Tony Britton as a coach. You weren't there then were you?

Anonymous said...

I played for Tony Brittons team at Aotea, even though I went to Mana

Th year they were in the prems (I was 6th form, 1994) they pooled players from the region to play for Aotea - Tangi was in the squad


Anonymous said...

to get us in the mood for the day how about some south american footie?
