Monday, August 10, 2009

Lovely Day at Home

Wasn't Saturday's weather glorious!? Perfect for faffing around home, smelling daisies and scratching my arse. Thank goodness I wasn't needed to play dirty old football - what an inconvenience that would have been on an arse-scratching day like that. What's that? One sub? Cracked shins? A tired team? A 1-0 loss? [You'll have to just imagine my eyelid twitching spastically - it was too subtle a movement to capture on video].


purely belter said...

To be honest we didn't think you'd take NO for an answer and would just turn up with boots in hand ;) but seeing the schedule you had looked pretty full on I can see why you couldn't make it

005 said...

Its that kind of snarky attitude that is having you slowly pushed out of the team. Get the message. The rest of us are all too well adjusted to put up with such malarky.

Rauru said...

And I quote "If you want to ref though there's a whistle for ya, and someone might take pity on you and give you a half".

Panda ended up being a no show and we had no other ref so hence the one sub. If you'd shown up like offered you would have been running on lush green pastures rather than sniffing them. Not our problem you're living in the Valley... ;)

Robino said...

Corey: Yeah, true. I'll be more forthright next time.

Aaron: Point taken. I'll try not to be so forthright next time.

Actually, the true story is I played a game of Hockey for a friend of a friend. Hilarious! Do you know they play it with a little hard ball instead of a large soft one? And you're not allowed to kick it or header it apparently. Nuts!