Monday, August 31, 2009


A good fine session sitting out in the sun at the pub.

Stallion - Gus
Pony - Hodges

MVP 3 - Lloyd
2 - Panda
1 - Butch


Tangi - -2 goals for the season
Corey - bringing down the ball with a groin thrust
Aaron - described as 'not a strikers arsehole'
Brooks - forgetting fine book
Jason - only player to play every game
Graham - 'this team has great balls'
Rauru - baby albatrosses
Lloyd - losing marquee player status (and despite this we gave him three MVP points, shows how generous we are).

Good work on paying up the fines. This is how much people owe now (if you aren't on the list you don't owe anything):

Paddy - $16
Nick W - $28.50
Ben B - $28
Tristan - $21
Hodges - $8
Corey - $7
Jason - $16
Joe - $23.50
Panda - $43.50
Rauru - $9
Mike B - $15
Robin - $3.50


Greevis said...

Ben, does this mean I'm now owed money?

Anonymous said...

Please can we have a total of fines paid?

BeShakey said...

Greevis - yes a couple of people ended up paying more than they owed (although some of them donated their excess to paying of Gus' fines)

Mysterious anonymous person - total fines were $825, although there is still a significant amount owed

Anonymous said...
