Monday, August 17, 2009

Elite Match report

At least they beat us to something this season - and got a match report up - here

Bit of frustration here I think - sure they could call us 'ponies' last year when they actually managed the odd win, now that we have done the treble on them we are 'donkey's' - sure.

A couple of odd things: apparently they dominated the first 20, one of their players totally 'wasted' his player down our left side - umm, can't remember that sorry. And worst of all they call Hodges 'one of their best players'. Obviously full of crap.

Until next season chumps ...


Ben Hodges said...

Clearly, they can read the game much better than they can play it,... call me the Cracker (that can be inferred two ways).

When i discovered he had the same name as me he had to go...

Rauru said...

Oh. My. God. That has just made the blood boil a little, and they are now on par with SV as most hated team.

Elvis (with the skins playing left back) is one of the slowest players I have run at and was constantly being yelled at for his s**tness. Favourite line - "Time Elvis! Time Elvis!" *Elvis shanks it so bad Mike blushed with embarrasment* "TIME ELVIS!!"

Marcel is another name I remember being for thinking he was crap. I cant think who he was now as his description says he "dominated the RHS". Maybe he's related to Casper.

And Steve, who was actually quite good (took the goal kicks), did not drop a shoulder into me. It was a triple team effort, one of which was Elvis who was at the receiving end of Steve's "WHAT THE F**K ARE YOU DOING?!?! TACKLE HIM!!!" rants.

The only time they dominated was the first 8 seconds (see Aaron's last post) and I dont remember one decent chance they had. Also, it was 1-0 after about 60 min, and 2-0 after 80 min. All in all, the worst, most inacurate match report I have ever read. Can't wait to beat them again next season.

purely belter said...

Their reports are the reason I hate Elite as well

Robino said...

Just read their match report. I feel dirty.